Garroth X Deaf!Reader(Part 2)

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Song: Waterloo Sunset by The Kinks

(My favorite band. Just background music. Play it whenever you want)


(Y/N)'s POV

"Okasis is the reason I'm deaf." I said.

I was walking towards Phoenix Drop with Garroth Ro'meave.

"W-what?" He stuttered.

"I said Okasis is the freaking reason I'm deaf. Your kin did this to me. I can no longer hear birds sing. I can longer hear the gentle breeze shaking the trees or the sound of small children playing. They cursed me with this physical impairment. Your kind." I said as my shocked expression shifted to a glare.

His expression turned pained as tears filled his eyes.


His simple question pissed me off more. It was his father who had stolen my hearing.

"Your father hates meifwas so he came up with a new way to torture us for his own amusement. Their way is cruel. You are one of them. Good day Sir." I said and started running towards Phoenix Drop, my wolf pup, Candy, following close behind.

Once I had found my way into the village, I was lost beyond lost. I recognized many people from the description my Aunt had given me, but I was too shy to approach any of them. I eventually came across a meifwa girl with light blue hair running around with a boy with dark blue hair.

I instantly knew who the children were.

I approached the girl.

"Nekoette~Tan?" I asked. 

She turned, but upon not recognizing me, she ran and hid behind the boy. Dimittri.

"What do you want?" He exclaimed.

I giggled.

"My name is (Y/N). Nekoette~Tan is my cousin and I guess in a weird way you sort of are, too. I am deaf, so if we are not facing one another, I will not be able to understand your words." I said.

Nekoette perked up when I said my name.

"(Y/N)~Sama?" She asked and tilted her head.

I nodded with a smile.

"Yes. I came to Phoenix Drop looking for your mother, Nekoette~Tan." I explained.

She stepped out from behind Dimittri and began having a conversation with him, facing the other direction. She eventually walked over to me.

"Nekoette~Tan will take you to Mommy, he he!" She said before grabbing my hand and begginnning to lead me towards a house. Aunt Kawaii~Chan had been doing something at her kitchen counter, but dropped everything and ran outside. She wrapped her arms around me in a protective hug before pulling away so that we could talk.

"(Y/N)~Sama! Kawaii~Chan didn't know you were going to be coming!" She said.

I looked off to the side and motioned to Candy.

"Nekoette~Tan, go play with Dimittri~Kun and keep an eye on my pup while you're at it. Her name is Candy." I said.

Nekoette and Candy ran off and I turned back to Aunt Kawaii~Chan.

"Aunt Kawaii~Chan, my mother died. She was killed by Okasis three days ago and they're after the rest of us. Especially human-meifwa hybrids." I said in a low and serious voice.

All meifwas were in danger, especially Nekoette.

Aunt Kawaii~Chan gasped as tears began to fill her eyes. She nodded solemnly.

"Kawaii~Chan will speak with Dante~Kun about it, and about sending Nekoette~Tan to Scaleswind to stay with Nicole~Chan." She said before looking down at her feet.

Tears started to prick my eyes as well.

"How can you associate with an Okasian?" I asked slowly.

Aunt Kawaii~Chan's head wipped up.

"What do you mean, (Y/N)~Sama?" She asked.

I growled a bit as tears began running down my cheeks. I missed my mother dreadfully.

"Garroth Ro'meave. I know that he is a companion to your husband."

Aunt Kawaii~Chan shook her head as an almost smile appeared on her lips.

"Garroth~Kun is a good man. He ran away from Okasis beacuse he couldn't stand Okasis anymore. Kawaii~Chan and Dante~Kun haev known him for years. But... Kawaii~Chan can't make you trust him. She'll just need to hope that you come to understand Garroth~Kun. Especially because Garroth~Kun and (Y/N)~Sama would be adorable together."

I rolled my eyes at my Aunt and wiped my tears away, still not sure on how I felt about everything.

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