Scenario #3: How they asked you out

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Garroth: Garroth, as having realized that he liked you a bit too late for him to ask you out without being called a pedophile, had to wait until your Freshman year of college for his chance. When you finally moved into your dorm, he started slipping a secret admirer note under your door every morning. After around two dozen notes, he asked you out on one and told you who he was.

Aaron: He had a plan. He formed this plan the moment he realized his feelings and executed it two days later. He killed your in-game NPC husband and, as he had planned, you got angry and asked him why he killed your hubby. He immediately said, "I can't ask a married woman to go out with me!"

Dante: You and Dante originally met, as previously stated, on a blind date. He waited a whole year of being friends to ask you out. He asked you if you remembered that awkward first date and when you said yes, he asked if you'd be willing to do it again, hoping to get a second yes.

Travis: Travis decided to be an idiot and use six thousand pick-up lines to "prepare you and tenderize ya love muscles" before asking you out. You guys were over at his house and he pulled out a bouquet of flowers and recited a line from Romeo and Juliet while on one knee. Then he asked you out.

Kai: I would like to be able to say he let you use him as a training dummy and then wrote out, "Date?" in his own blood, but that wouldn't be the truth. Instead, he simply texted you. Yeah. He just texted you, "Hey, (Y/N), would you go out with me?" And your response was, "Ye. Sounds cool."

Laurence: Oof. Laurence went all out. He took you to the forest to "hang out" and blindfolded you. He led you to a cliff side with a beautiful view of Phoenix Drop, Falcon Claw and Metteli. And, to make things more cheesy, it was at sunset. "(Y/N), I love you. You are the most precious thing in my life. Will you go out with me?" He had asked.

Gene: You and Gene were working at the maid cafe. You were on break and ordered a large slice of cake. Gene had been on decorating duty that day, and, much to your surprise, "Date?" Was written out in (F/C) frosting.

Zane: No way in hell would the emo nugget be the one to make the first move. YOU asked HIM. You two were watching horror movies together. You covered yourself in a blanket caccoon and screamed it. "ZANE, I LIKE YOU! PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!" You knew Garroth and Laurence were likely to hear, but you didn't care. Emo nugget answered in the affirmitive. 

Vylad: You two were walking through the mall, chatting happily. All of a sudden, he hugged you from behind and set his head on top of yours. "I love how short you are. Will you go out with me and be my precious potato?" He asked. Everyone in the hall stopped to look at you and say, "Awwwwe!"

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