Zane X Reader: What a jerk

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This one was requested by UrEverydayFangirl741

This one is Mystreet, in Lover's Lane(Season 3 I think?) before everyone gets PTSD! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!

A key because I'm throwing something seemingly random in there:

(F/P/O/P/C): Fav pony other than Pinky Cake


I was at Hot Topic, debating on whether or not to buy a shirt with a rainbow and a unicorn on it that said, "I'm dead inside!" I figured it was funny and described me pretty well, but it was twenty dollars. A bit too much, if you ask me. I decided, eh, why the hell not? But when I wen to pay for it, a man bumped into me and knocked me over. The black-haired jerk just kept walking, not giving a crap that he had knocked over me and a shelf. I pulled myself up on another shelf, slowly as my knees hurt quite badly. My (H/C) and dark (F/C) hair was frizzed up and messy in addition to the pain. I marched over to the man and slapped him before buying the shirt and leaving.

A couple hours later, I stepped up to the door of a dark red house and knocked. The door was opened by my older half sister, Aphmau, and she tried to squeeze the life out of me. I wasn't usually one for being touched by anyone, but it was my big sister and she was about to get married, so why the hell not? I eventually had to pry her off of me, though.

"Geez, Aph, just how happy are you to see me?" I asked.

"I'm super duper happy to see you, baby sister! I've been waiting forever to see my maid of honor! We already have your dress, and soon you'll have to meet the best man because he'll be your escort down the aisle. I think you'll get along jusssssssssssssssssssssssssst fine. He's a super mega goth, just like you, and he still likes my little pony, just like you! His favorite is Pinky Cake, though, so you might get into some fights since yours is (F/P/O/P/C). But  think you'll be fine since he's super sweet once you get to know him and-"

I cut her off, a red tint making it's way to my cheeks.

"APHMAU! You know I don't do relationships anymore. Not after-"

She cut me off in return.

"I know. You haven't been with anyone since Martin. But you should try! Zane is a great guy once you get to know him. I think you two would be great together."

"Aphmau, please. Please stop. You know it still hurts to think about Martin. Anyways, where's the lucky groom?" I asked and forced a believable smile onto my lips.

"Aaron is upstairs getting ready. I need your help getting ready. We only have three hours. But first you have to meet Zane!"

She began to drag me into and through her house, and right up to a man standing at her kitchen counter, decorating the wedding cake with a familiar meifwa. Kawaii~Chan turned around. As soon as her eyes set on me she began squealing.

"OH MY IRENE! (Y/N)~SENPAI! I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She screamed and hugged me.

Kawaii~Chan let go... Eventually. When she did, the man next to her turned around and I recognized him to be none other than the man that knocked into me at Hot Topic. We began intensely glaring at each other, anime style. I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"You're the guy that pushed me over in Hot Topic!" I exclaimed, pissed all over again.

"You're the girl that slapped me! What are you even doing here?!" He yelled back.

"I'm here for my big sister's wedding. If you had ever spent time with Aphmau in high school, you would have already known who I am! With my luck, you're the best man!" I hissed.

He laughed maniacally.

"I am."

I'm sorry this one took a little longer than the others! But....... I might see you guys in... A part 2.

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