Aaron X Depressed!Reader: I Just Can't Carry this Anymore!

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Requested by Blaze_the_bork_king

Thanks for the request! 

The song is "I Can't Carry this Anymore" by Anson Seabra

If detailed mention of suicide, self harm, and depression affect you negatively, please do not read!

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat on the railing at the edge of the bridge, my legs dangling as tears streamed down my face.

My face.

Just something else I hated about myself.

I hated everything about myself.

I couldn't help but feel like I was wrong.

A mistake.


I pulled out my phone and pulled up the group chat I had with my two online friends, FC and Shu.

The only two people that had ever made me feel loved. I honestly liked FC. A lot. But how was I to know that he wasn't a forty plus year old man sitting in his basement? So I never bothered to try and meet him in real life. I had already met Shu because I knew she was a teenage girl like me. You could hear it in her voice. It turns out that she was my friend, Aphmau, and we were going to the same high school.

"I just can't carry this anymore. You guys know what I mean. I'll see you in heaven.


(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N)"

I messaged.

I immediately started getting notifications. Not only from FC and Aphmau, but from other people in mine and Aphmau's friend group. She must have texted them.

I ignored the texts and set the phone next to me on the railing so that they would be able to track it and find my body.

I had thought this through.

I knew what I was doing.

I grabbed the cinder block that I had lugged all the way from my car and used a heavy chain to tie it to my ankle.

I didn't want second thoughts affecting anything.

It needed to happen.

I took one last look at the cuts across my arms, some fresh, some from as long as two years before.

I took a deep breath and slid off the edge of the railing, ready to meet my demise. I plunged into the icy water and didn't bother holding my breath. The clear water went down my throat and began filling my lungs. I closed my eyes as lost conciousness. The last thing I heard heard before my mind went blank was a car door slamming shut.

My eyes opened and bright light flooded through all my senses. My vision went from blurry to clear just enough for me to see a paneled ceiling.

I wasn't in Heaven.

Someone had messed up my plan.

So, I did the first thing my frazzled self could think to do...

I burst into tears.

I sobbed my heart out.

People started grabbing at my hands and surrounding my bed side, but I didn't care.

I just kept crying.

Everything was wrong.

I wasn't supposed to be in this God forsaken world anymore.

I was supposed to be where I belonged.

With the other people who wanted nothing more than to live, love, and serve.

But someone saved me.

My tears of dissapointment turned into tears of joy. The blurry faces above me came into focus.

My Uncle and Aunt, Aphmau, Katelyn, and someone I had never expected to see when I was in need.


Aaron and I didn't hate each other the way he and Aphmau did, but we were a part of different crowds and I had beat him up once or twice for being rude to Aph.

He actually still had a black eye from our last fight.

"(Y/N)!" Aphmau exclaimed.

I started laughing.

Everyone looked at me like I had two heads.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I exclaimed in my hoarse voice.

Aphmau giggled as tears streamed down her face.

"Who did it? Which wonderful person saved me?" I asked happily.

Aphmau wrapped an arm around Aaron's shoulder.

"Aaron did! Or should I say... FC?" She said.

Aaron scratched the back of his neck as his cheeks turned red.

"A-Aaron, your FC?" I stuttered.

He nodded sheepishly.

"How did you find me?" I asked as I looked away, unable to hold his gaze.

"As soon as you sent that text, I hacked your phone to try and find you, hoping you would be close enough and you were right down the street..." He explained briefly.

I sat up in the bed, though weak, and flung myself at Aaron.

"Thank you. Just between me and you, Aaron... I love you." I whispered in his ear.

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