Laurence X Reader: Who cares?(PDH)

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Hi guys! So, Hannah-Sarah Conner is my OC and Julia Zvahl was created by WereWolfGirl1Sky 

If her name doesn't show up, don't worry. I'm gonna tag her in the comments as well. She's a lot of fun to talk to and roleplay with, so go follow her!

(Y/N)'s POV

It was after school on and Autumn day and I was walking with my two besties, Hannah-Sarah and Julia. We were all thirteen, on our last year of middle school, and we were heading to Julia's place to hang out. I had argued with the two. I had wanted to go to Hannah-Sarah's house or mine. But, I had three older brothers, Hannah-Sarah had six, and Julia had one, meaning less pesky boys in the way of us having fun. At least by their logic. I didn't want to go because it was always awkward when Laurence and I saw each other. Let me clarify. It was awkward because I ran away every time. I wasn't scared of him. It was just that he had found my diary when I was over for a sleepover and he read it. He found out about the huge crush I had on him.

"(Y/N)! Hello, (Y/N)!" Julia yelled, waving her hand in front of my face.

"W-what? What is it?" I asked.

"Julia and I were just talking about the boys we like and you weren't talking about Laurence like you usually would." Hannah said.

"O-oh. I was actually just thinking about him. Wait, so guys finally got crushes?" I asked, moving a piece of hair behind my ear.

Hannah-Sarah and Julia both blushed.

"Y-yeah. Ya know those friends Laurence had over a while back?" Julia asked.

"Uh, yeah. Garroth, Zenix, Sasha and Gene, right?" 

"Well, it turns out that Garroth is friends with Miguel." Hannah said, referring to the youngest of her older brothers, who was a year older than her.

"So he's been at your house or something?"

"Y-yeah. He's actually been hanging out with me a lot and having Miguel include me when they play video games and stuff. He's really nice and I think I like him." Hannah stuttered.

"And Gene's been hanging around me a lot whenever he's over or I'm at the park with him, Laurence, and the rest of their gang." Julia said.

"Well good for you two. You finally get to join in my suffering. Liking high school guys sucks because even though they're not THAT much older, high schoolers consider middle schoolers to be babies. That's why I'd never have a chance with Laurence even though he's only a year older." I said.

"Laurence isn't like that though. You should talk to him about what happened. He might even like you back." Julia said.

We stepped up to the Zvahl house and opened the door. There was Laurence, sitting on the couch in the living room with Garroth, Gene, Zenix, and Sasha. Julia was the one who had it the hardest. Gene was a sophomore, so a whole seventeen years old.

Laurence got up and headed into the kitchen, glancing at me on the way in. Julia and Hannah looked at each other, nodded, and began pushing me into the kitchen.

"Guys? Guys! Stop! pLeAsE! I bEg oF yOu!" I pleaded, trying to escape, but was successfully shoved into the kitchen. The door was slammed behind me.

Laurence turned to me, a slight tint of pink making it's way to his cheeks when he saw who I was.

"Oh, hi (Y/N). How're you?" He asked.

I stuttered a bit before choking out, "G-good. Y-y-you?"

He smiled.

"G-great! Especially because you're not running away." He said.

"O-oh. S-sorry a-about t-that."

"Why do you always run away?" He asked.

I felt my cheeks become hot and,  undoubtedly, red.

"B-because I... I w-was afraid of w-what y-you would t-think of m-me after r-reading my d-diary..."

He started smiling.

"Oh, that? What I read in there made my day brighter." He said.

"W-why?" I asked, confused.

"B-because I l-like you..." He explained.

I was shocked, to say the least.

"W-why would you l-like me? Y-you're in h-high school and I-I'm in m-middle school still." I stuttered.

He laughed lightly.

"Who cares? We may be in different schools, but we're only a year apart. Have you forgotten that I learned my lesson when I went into middle school? Julia punched me in the stomach when I said that she was just a little baby because she was still in elementary school. Your grade doesn't make me think any less of you. I like you."

A smile spread across my face. I walked over and planted a quick kiss on his lips before transitioning it into a hug.

"Everyone is going to think it's wrong of us to like each other...

"...But who cares?"

I was re-reading this and realized how rushed and crappy it was, so I edited. It only took me, like, 15 minutes anyways.

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