All the guys X Confused! Reader(Part 1)

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VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL! YAY! Thanks to DWfangirl16 and  for helping me decide which book to make a special for. If you like roleplaying, be sure to check out the special in my Aphmau roleplay book!

(Y/N)s POV

A week before Valentine's day. That when it all started. I was walking down Lover's Lane and I was passing the guys house when Garroth and Laurence came running out of the house.

"Hi (Y/N)!" Laurence said.

Garroth elbowed him in the ribs.

"Hello (Y/N)! How's your day been?" 

I looked at the two, confused beyond confused. I shook it off and smiled.

"Hey! My day's been great so far. We'll see what happens once I head to work." I replied.

I was talking about Aphmau's maid café. There were constant cat calls and men grabbing my tail. I'm more on the timid side for a werewolf. I had decided to wait to complain to Aphmau. I was going to see if it got better first, and that can take time. So I lived with it.

Laurence and Garroth both growled a bit at the mention of me going to work.

"You shouldn't have to deal with that." Garroth said softly.

"Those idiots need to get their skulls slammed together. You're not an object!" Laurence exclaimed.

I took a step back.

"Guys, guys, it's not like they've taken any physical action other than grabbing my tail!" I said slowly.

They both continued growling.

"We know that pulling a tail is basically the same as touching a butt for werewolves and meif'was!" Garroth said.

"You shouldn't have to deal with those stupid perverts!" Laurence yelled.

I started running towards down town.

"I'M GONNA HEAD TO WORK! BYEEEEE!" I called out behind me.

By the time I got to the maid café, I wished I had made a run for my car instead of just for work. I walked in through the back door and got changed into my uniform.

I stepped into the kitchen to see Gene giving an order slip to Kawaii~Chan

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I stepped into the kitchen to see Gene giving an order slip to Kawaii~Chan. I washed my hands as I greeted him.

"Hey Gene!" I said happily.

He turned to me, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink in the process.

"H-hi (Y/N)!" He replied.

"What tables do I have today?" I asked as I pulled my hair into a ponytail.

"W-wow... I mean, um, tables eight through sixteen!" He said and hastily grabbed a tray before leaving into the dining area. 

I shrugged and grabbed my note pad before following him. I took a right turn once he stopped and ended up at the tables in the back. A regular was there, a twenty something year old man who ALWAYS grabbed my tail whenever I turned to walk away.

"Hey Foxy~" He said when I approached the table.

I ignored his comment and slapped on a fake smile.

"Hello Sir! What can (Y/N)~Chan get for you today?" I asked with fake cheeriness.

It was cutie-pie day at the café, meaning each of us needed a cute gimmick. I chose talking like an anime girl. He ignored my question and continued being a jack*ss.

"Oh~ I see. The wolf doesn't like being called a fox~" 

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and smack him through a window.

"Sir, what can (Y/N)~Chan get for you?" I asked again.

"How about your number~?" He replied.

"(Y/N)~Chan doesn't give her number out to b*stards like you." Slipped out of my mouth.

I clamped a hand over my mouth quickly. My sudden outburst had caught Gene's attention. I turned towards Gene to explain myself, but once I had turned, I felt a tug on my tail. I whipped around again, blushing. The man was smirking.

"So the Wolf is gonna be Foxy after all, eh~?" He said pompously.

I was about to slap him, but Gene walked up and beat me to the punch. Almost literally.

"That's not how you should treat a lady, especially this lady." He growled.

The man got up, a handprint beginning to redden on his cheek.

"You're gonna pay for that!" He said.

"No. I'm not going to pay for anything, but if you don't get out of here in ten seconds flat, YOU'RE going to pay for ASSAULT." Gene said and narrowed his eyes at him.

The man ran out of the café faster than I ran to work.

I turned to Gene. "Thank you so much. That guy's been bothering me for a while." I said.

Gene began blushing. "You don't need to thank me. That guy was a jerk. I didn't want him near you either way." He replied.

I giggled and hugged him quickly before turning to the next table I had to wait on.

I will be completing the rest of the special over the span of today and tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed! 


Mrs. Garroth Ro'meave

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