Ch 25▶Fairy tail strikes 4

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Ch 25▶Fairy tail strikes 4
(The planetary dragon slayer)

Lucy's POV

We have been exploring this fortress for an hour and we still haven't found the mastermind behind all of this. I'm really getting impatient. I'm starting to understand Natsu's anger now.

We turned to another corner and we came face to face with 200 soldiers, I presume. They charged at us. I was about to cast a spell but Wendy beat me to it.

"Sky Dragon's Roar".

The ones who were charging at us flew backwards. "You guys go ahead. We can handle this" Wendy said.

"But there are too many of-" Natsu said but I cut him off midway through his sentence.

"We understand." I said.
Erza and Natsu looked at me with utter disbelief. Erza just nodded understanding while Natsu's eyes showed concern. "Lucy are you sure about this?" Natsu asked. "Yes, I'm sure. " I said.

Natsu was still not convinced. "I'll stay here and help." Happy said. "I'll stay too." Alissa said. Now, Natsu looked convinced.

"Wendy, Happy, Carla, Alissa you guys be careful. Stay safe." I said as the rest of us ran further into the temple.

Wendy's POV

The soldiers started to surround us. "This will be tough" I said. "Yes, but we can do it!" Alissa said.

"Aye sir!" Happy exclaimed.

"Let's do this. Sky Dragon's wing attack." I chanted. A gush of whirling wind made its way towards 10 soldiers. They were knocked out with ease.

"Steel Wing attack." Carla chanted. Her white wings became as hard as metallic iron. She charged at the enemy knocking out 5 of them.

"Max speed attack." Happy charged at the enemy and he was able to knock down 7 of the enemy soldiers.

"Astral punch." Alissa chanted. She punch a soldier, sending him flying and hitting three others.

But the strange thing is that they kept on coming without stopping. I can't seem to count them all. There so many of them.


The flame of the stars



The flame of the stars


"This is going nowhere. We have no chance of defeating them all." I said, sounding hopeless at the moment. We were completely surrounded by enemy soldiers and I was running low on magic power. Happy and Carla were down, completely drained of magic. "Hang in there." Alissa said, trying to sound optimistic while faring on her own.

'Don't give up.'

I heard a voice in my head speak.

'Don't give up now.'

I heard the voice speak again, this time it was louder.

'Forge ahead. Remember your promise.'

Promise? Oh that's right. The promise I made to the guild.

I promised that I won't give up and I can't break that promise. I'll keep that promise.

My body started to glow blue. Alissa then came to my side and held my hand. I knew what it meant. She started to glow.

"Astral dress: Jupiter form. Planetary shock wave." The ground began to shake.

"Unison raid. Astral sky dragon secret art: Jupiter air manipulation."

We chanted. A green aura was radiating from the both of us into the air. In a matter of second, the air changed.

All the soldiers started to hold their throat. They couldn't breath. One by one, they got knocked out due to lack of air.

It's because we changed the air in here. I manipulated it while Alissa hastened the process . The air here was now impossible to inhale because they will die if they do. Alissa made a little barrier for Carla and Happy.

When all the soldiers were knocked out, I changed the air back. I collapse on the floor due to exhaustion and drained magic power but Alissa caught me.

"You did well, Wendy."


Next time▶Erza, the astral knight

Only five more chapters

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