Chapter three:

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Sauske had lived even though she had been sure he was dead and she carried a nasty scar along with the memory of Itachi asking her to hate him. Hate him? She had no problem with hating him.

She knocked on the Hokages door. "Come in." Her voice rang out as if she were irritated. Emmari entered the room. "Lady Tsunade." She said as she bowed. Having been part of the Leaf Anbu it was normal to bow.

"Ah! Miss Uchiha. Thank you for coming. I am removing you from the Anbu for a short time. Im in need of your help. I need you to join a few of our Jonin to help in training some of the Genin." She stated.

Emmari looked at her confused. "You want help....train kids?" She asked. "You realize everyone in the village thinks I am responsible for what my....." She started. Tsunade stopped her. "I dont care!"

She stood from her chair and slammed her fists on her desk. "I need the man power....or in this case the woman power." Emmari raised an eyebrow at her.

She sighed and sat back down. "I have a mission for you and two other Jonin." She stated. Just then the door opened and two men entered. One with white hair and a mask and another man who had a beard.

"Great timing. Kakashi, Asuma? This is Emmari. She will be joining you two on your mission." Tsunade stated. Emmari had to clear her throat and look away from them because Asuma was staring and her face was growing hot.

"Great so everyone is here. Whats the mission?" She asked. Tsunade nodded and went into the details about their mission. Three hours later the three walked out of her office.

Emmari stretched and turned to the two males. "Okay so tomorrow at five in the morning." She stated. She turned and started walking.

Kakashi and Asuma watched her as she walked away. She could feel their eyes on her. It didnt surprise her. The last Uchiha left in the village. Most did stare.

Asuma POV

When he entered the room his eyes widened slightly. She was absolutly gorgeous. She seemed a little nervous about his staring.

After they were released she made quick buisness of leaving. He turned to Kakashi. "Ill catch up with you later. I have some things to take care of." He stated. Kakashi raised and eyebrow at him and nodded.

Asuma walked away in the direction Emmari had. She was very quick but he had to talk to her. Something about her pulled him in. Finally he caught sight of her. "Emmari? Could I talk to you?" He asked.

She stopped and turned to look at him. His heart almost stopped at her stunning glance. "About?" She asked. Her voice was angelic even with that small hint of irritation it held.

Eyes of Red, Asuma Sarutobi, A Naruto FanficWhere stories live. Discover now