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A few months went by and Asuma was finally settling in to being back and being a father. Kakashi hadnt come around but she knew why.

She watched Asuma and Hiru playing in the lake happily and enjoyed the warm sun on her skin. Suddenly she felt the urge to throw up. She stood and rushed to the edge of the woods next to them.

She threw up and then she felt better. Confusion wasnt something she was feeling now. She knew what this meant. She stood and wiped her mouth.

"Asuma i need to go see Tsunade. Have fun with Hiru. Hiruzen behave and mind your father." She said. Asuma puled Hiru from the water and walked to her.

"Are you okay Em?" He asked. She nodded and smiled at him. "Yeah. I just need to see her. Ill be back." She said lightly.

Shortly after she was sitting on a hospital bed waiting for Tsunade to return. When the door opened the blonde woman entered.

"Well you were right Emmari. Your pregnant." She stated. Emmari smiled. "Really? Asuma is going to be so happy. How far am I?" She asked.

Tsunade looked at her paperwork. "A few months. Id say this little one was concived the day Asuma returned. You two waste no time." She smiled.

Her heart stopped and she felt like the walls were closing in on her. 'This child could be......' She thought and finally took in a breath.

"Emmari?" Tsunade asked. "Huh?" She asked finally snapping back to the conversation. "Im sorry what was that?" She asked.

Tsunade looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "I asked when the wedding is going to be." She stated. "Are you okay? Something seems to be bothering you." She said.

Emmari stood and quickly got dressed. "Um yeah. Sorry. Im fine. The wedding will be in three weeks." She said trying to act normal.

"Thank you my Lady. Ill be back in a month for my check up." She yelled as she ran from the hospital. She had to find Kakashi. There was a strong chance this baby was his.

She spotted him and rushed to him. "Kakashi!" She shouted and he stopped and turned to her. He didnt look to happy to see her.

She stopped when she got to him. "Can we talk?" She asked lightly. Her eyes moved to the ground. He sighed as if he was irritated. "Yeah. What do you need?" He asked.

She looked back up at him. "Im sorry for what happened. I know that you wanted more with me and if Asuma hadnt come back...." She started but he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked away from her.

"Is there a point to this?" He asked. She hated how cold he was being but she deserved it. "I just wanted to let you know that...." She started and took a small breath.

Eyes of Red, Asuma Sarutobi, A Naruto FanficWhere stories live. Discover now