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Emmari's POV

The sound of rustling woke her and she turned to see Asuma packing a bag. She sat up and pulled their cover around her to keep the chill of the air from her naked body.

"What are you doing Asuma? Its three in the morning?" She said groggily. He turned to face her. "Hey baby. Sorry. I didnt mean to wake you." He smiled.

She looked down at his bag and all his gear displayed on the floor. "Why are you packing?" She asked now feeling more awake.

"Lady Tsunade is sending me on a mission. I leave in the morning." He said lightly and looked back at his bag. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"What type of mission?" She asked obviously annoyed. Asuma gave a small smile. "Nothing big!" He mused trying to defuse the time bomb he knew was about to explode.

"How long will you be gone?" She asked slightly gritting her teeth. He shrugged nervously. "Two maybe three..." He stopped.

"Two or three what? Days? Weeks?" She asked. He winced slightly. "Yeah well you know.....more along the lines of.........two or three months." He said in almost a whisper. Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened.

"Months!?" She yelled. Tears formed in her eyes and she shook her head. "You just got back!" She snapped. "Cant the send one of the lower level ninja. Its just a small mission right?" She asked.

Asuma shook his head. "Its an S-Ranked mission Em." He said lightly. She sat on the bed and covered her eyes. 'Just perfect. Two or three months without him.' She thought.

"Who is going with you?" She asked. They couldnt just send him alone. He would need at least two other Jonin to help right? He shook his head. "She didnt say. I imagine ill have someone." He said as he pulled her into a hug.

She didnt know it yet as she sat there enjoying his embrace but this was the start of a whole new life. One that she was not really ready for.

The next morning she stood at the gate with him as he spoke with Kakashi and Guy. Apparently they were the three man squad for this mission.

When it was time for them to leave he turned to her. She looked up at him with worried eyes. "Be careful." She said lightly. He smiled at her and scooped her up into a large hug/kiss.

"This is the power of youth at its highest form!" Guy exclaimed and held out a thumbs up to them. She kissed him back and finally he sat her back on the ground.

Her gaze turned to Kakashi now. "Keep him safe." She said lightly and gave him a huge. Kakashi had actually been a really good friend these past few years.

He ruffled her hair and gave her a closed eye grin. "Dont worry little dove. Ill bring him back to you." He smiled. She slapped his hand away but smiled at him. The three turned to leave and she stood at the gate watching.

Two months flew by and she had already gotten everything ready for their wedding. Ino helped along with a very unenthused Shikamaru.

The two girls walked out of Ino's parents flower shop together smiling brightly when Naruto rushed up to them. "Ino have you seen Sakura?" He asked as if he was worried.

Ino shook her head. "No. Whats wrong Naruto?" She asked. "Bushier brow and Kakashi Sensei are back and they are beat up pretty badly. Apparently they were attacked and Asuma sensei made them leave him behind so they could....."

Eyes of Red, Asuma Sarutobi, A Naruto FanficWhere stories live. Discover now