Chapter seven:

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She shook her head. "I dont need help. Why dont you stay here and help Kakashi?" She asked. The white haired ninja shook his head. "I will be fine. You two gather the wood." She rolled her eyes at him.

They moved threw the forest picking up twigs as they went. She did her best to ignore that he was staring at her. When they got to a river she found a path of rocks and started to cross.

"Your kinda clumbsy. Do you think thats a good idea?" He asked. She turned to look at him and slipped on the rock. She fell in the water and a rock gashed her leg.

Asuma dropped tge sticks and ran to her. He scooped her up and sat her on the shore. "Im fine!" She snapped. Her gave her a warning look and she isntantly closed her mouth.

"Its pretty deep." He stated and pulled out some bandages and other things to clean and wrap it. "You know the water wasnt deep. I could have walked." She retorted and crossed her arms over her chest.

He glanced up at her. "Would you just shut the hell up and let me help you? Its not like a little help makes you weak!" He snapped. She blinked in disbelief at him and then looked away as if she was angry. In all honesty she was surprised at how forceful he was.

He went to work bandaging her leg and she couldnt help but look back and study his face as he did. The seriousness he held drew her further into a trance. "See something you like?" He asked and looked up at her. She blushed and looked away quickly. "No!" She said a little to fast.

He just laughed. "Then why are you staring at me?" He asked. She stumbled to get her words out. "I were.....i just.....ah!" She groaned. "Are you finiahed yet?" She spat.

He nodded. She stood up and limped to a near by tree. Well tbis was going to complicate things. She couldnt walk on it. She felt an arm link around her waist and she looked up to see Asuma there again.

"Let me go!" She snapped and leaned on the tree. "I can do it myself!" He looked down at her. He was so tall. "Oh really?" He asked. "Take three steps by yourself right now." He stated and pointed towards camp.

She lokked towards where he was pointing and sighed. She leaned her head on the tree and closed her eyes. "I cant." She said lightly. He smiled. Her cheeks flared.

"Even though i need your help right now dont think i will in the future. I am more than capable of taking care of myself." She started. He reached his arm around her and started helping her walk.

She continued to talk about how she was capable of taking care of herself and he started to get annoyed.

Everything happened so fast that when he pulled her to him and pressed his lips to hers she froze. Unable to think or move. After a few momentshe broke the kiss and just looked at her.

Her whole face was plastered red and her breath was caught in her throat. "Im not saying you cant take care of yourself." He stated.

Eyes of Red, Asuma Sarutobi, A Naruto FanficWhere stories live. Discover now