Embarrassing Stories

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*Duncan's POV*
The rain hasn't stopped all day. "What do we want to do right now?" Klaus asked the three of us from his seat on the couch. Isadora was sitting next to him, Violet was in her favorite chair, and I was sitting on the floor next to a shelf.

"We could play a board game?" Isadora suggested. We already played all of them and I was quick to remind her about this.
"How about Never Have I Ever or Truth or Dare?" Violet asked. Klaus said he didn't want to. I kind of didn't since Isadora would probably dare Violet to play Seven Minutes In Heaven with me so her and Klaus could be alone. I wouldn't mind being alone with her, but I would mind Klaus and Izzie being alone...

"We could share funny or embarrassing stories about ourselves or eachother." I offered. This got no objections. "Okay. I guess I'll start since I suggested it. Once, I told Quigley that he could get another ice cream sandwich if he said the magic words to Mother. The magic words weren't nice words and both of us were grounded for a week." Isadora said she remembered that as her and the Baudelaires giggled wildly. "I have a story!" Violet offered. We nodded for her to tell us. She smirked at Klaus before beginning.

"I remember Klaus had a friend named Jake and they used to dress up in Quittich robes and toss around a ball. They were both on brooms from the cleaning closet. Jake had a crush on this one girl and I watched the poor guy get rejected after inviting her to their little Quidditch game." Klaus sighed and confirmed that Violet wasn't lying. Isadora could not stop laughing. "That's absolutely adorable, Klaus, " she said to him. Klaus' face turned bright red as he began to tell a story about himself.

"I wrote exactly three couplets when I met Isadora," he confessed, "I don't remember what they said, but I know they were about Isadora." My sister was blushing profusely and so was Klaus. "I'd rather chop off all my hair; Than live without you, Klaus Baudelaire." She recited, pecking Klaus' cheek. Violet awed at the adorable exchange as Isadora began her tale. "I totally walked in on Violet and Duncan making out once... I could see tongue and everything." She taunted. Violet and I went deep red as Klaus stared me down. I felt like it was time to tell another embarrassing story - this time, about my beloved. "At Prufrock, when you, Baudelaires, were really tired from running laps every night, this happened at Lunch. Violet came and sat next to me, said in a sleepy little voice, 'Hey, Sweetheart,' kissed my cheek, and collapsed into her salad. I didn't say anything about it because I thought it would be funnier with time." Violet's pretty face was deep red and Isadora and Klaus were laughing hysterically. I remember my heart was beating a mile a minute after she fell asleep and now it was just a normal Tuesday for my dear Violet to call me 'sweetheart'.

"I can't believe I actually did that..." Violet said, trying to cover her face with her hand. I chuckled lightly as I pulled her hand away from her face. "And I could've let you walk into class with Vinaigrette on your face and croutons in your hair, but I didn't." I said sternly. She smiled in appreciation as Isadora decided it was her turn again.

"I carved I.Q.+K.B. everywhere in the self sustaining hot air mobile home," she confessed, "Quigley went berserk when he discovered he had met K.B." I laughed at the memory. Quigley said he was going to find the Baudelaires and hurt Klaus. I had finally managed to stop thinking about them every single second of the day and Quigley comes in and gave me hope. He was with his girlfriend, Fiona, when we were reuniting and they were still happily together after three years. We shared a few more stories that were funny, but not that interesting before Sunny called us to the dinner she helped prepare. "I hope you four are in the mood for Italian," she warned as we stepped into the kitchen, which was filled to the brim with the scent of freshly baked pizza.

"Hey, Violet," I said, gesturing to a bowl on the table, "Salad! Are you going to fall asleep in this one too?"
"You... Shush."

740 words

A/N: Sorry these have been so short... I think it's redeemable since they're still cute... And this one has Figley, so we're all good!

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