What If?

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Couldn't help myself from making a one shot!!! Warning: This is a pretty long one shot and I'm not going to break it into pieces. How long?
7396 words
This is a mix of book and tv show details.

*Violet's POV*

I'm glad Mr. Remora's class was easy to find. I really didn't want to be late and face that inane punishment. I took any seat I could find. There was a group of three empty seats in the very back of the classroom, which I could settle for, I decided. Although I wasn't late, I was still the last person to get there... I took my seat and waited for the teacher to begin the lesson.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Remora," a man chomping a banana said, smearing the pulp into his moustache, "It is to my understanding that we have a brand new orphan with us today." The entire class turned to face me and I surveyed the disgusted faces of my orphan-hating peers. I looked to my right to lock eyes with a boy who gave me a gentle smile. The smile was quite charming and he was quite handsome. I returned the smile but forced myself to break eye contact to finish looking at the rest of my new classmates. I looked to my left and there the boy was again... Except this time he had long, shaggy hair? I looked back and forth between the two several times. They were identical twins, I guessed, wrongly, I later found out. The two boys looked at eachother and stifled a laugh before deciding to grab their items and join me at the group of seats I was sitting at.

"I'm Duncan Quagmire and this is my triplet brother, Quigley." The boy with the charming smile whispered.
"Hi," His brother added.
"I'm Violet Baudelaire." I introduced myself.
"It's nice to meet you," Duncan said with his charming smile. I smiled and tried to hide my blush.
"Um did you two say you are triplets? Isn't that three children born at the same time? There's only two of you..."
" Our sister Isadora is in Ms. Bass's class. She's the youngest of the three triplets but only by a few minutes... " Quigley explained.

Our conversation was cut short by Mr. Remora yelling at us to be quiet while he's teaching. I quickly apologized for getting these two scolded and turned my attention to the lesson. About twenty minutes in, I saw Duncan slip me a small piece of paper out of the corner of my eye. On it, he invited me to come eat lunch with his siblings and him so I'd have a friend at this horrible school. I paper-replied that I should see what Klaus and Sunny would want to do, explaining they're my younger siblings. I looked over at Quigley and he was trying to balance a pencil on his finger vertically (and failing, at that).

I chuckled and turned back to the notebook I was writing notes on Mr. Remora's boring and pointless stories and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Duncan's head turn back to his own notebook. Was he looking at me? I hope so! I did not just think that! Oh my God.

First period finally ended and we got to go to lunch! Duncan, Quigley, and I waited on the outside wall of our classroom, each boy on either side of me. "Is Klaus in Ms. Bass's class too?" Duncan asked me.
"Bingo," I answered as Klaus walked up with a girl eerily identical to the boys. I assumed this was Isadora. I looked at Duncan and Quigley upon remembering they were both technically older than her, and as I expected, they were eyeing my brother uncertainty. They were both talking about poetry, but the conversation ceased as Isadora noticed me.

"My brothers make quite the entourage, huh?" Isadora said with a smirk before extending her hand, "I'm Isadora Quagmire." She introduced, her smirk changing to a smile.
"I assumed so. I'm Violet and I see you've met my younger brother." I shook her hand, "But unfortunately, Klaus and I have to go get our sister Sunny. Meet you guys in the cafeteria?" I asked. The three Quagmires nodded and we set off in different directions.

"So Isadora likes poetry? You two will have plenty to talk about if her brothers don't kill you first."
Klaus ignored the second comment, "Yeah she's a poetess! She claims to have read all of Ogden Nash's work and she promised she'd show me more couplets at lunch! She already let me see a couple of her works; she mainly writes in couplets; which are all really good from what I saw of them. Isadora also loves reading. I know because we were passing notes in class; she sits right next to me, in fact." Klaus rambled. My brother has a crush! That's too adorable! "What about her brothers? Are they cool?"

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