red man

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I was walking home from the coffee shop at 10 at night alone. The summer air felt good on my skin as my pace slowed. I felt a vibration in my pocket and pulled my phone out. "Hello?" I answered "hello? Y/n?" I sighed it was my friend Jade she was always worried about me ever since my accident and always checks in.."what is it Jade.." I heard her sigh " I need you to meet me at the town museum..." "What? Why?" I heard her groan " don't ask DO. Now I'll see you there." She said hanging up. I sighed and put my phone away. ' no point in not going she will find me anyway.' I thought as I started to make my way to the meuseum. I was only a block away and I hear sirens in the pace starts to quicken as I round the corner. The meuseum was surrounded by cops and a crowd of people where watching videoing things on there phones. Walking closer I see a big black truck pull in. "Y/N!" I hear someone yell I look back and see Jade running to me "Jade what happening?" She stopped in front of me. " No clue that's why I called you so we can figure it out!" We hear a big bang and see the doors opened to the truck. The cops with shelds surround it. Me and Jade rush to the front. "I-i can't see!" I called "STOP HIDING THEM!" someone yelled "MONSTERS!" Called another. "Who are they selling at?" Jade looked at me "the team! They fight things that want to harm the human race! There's Abe, Liz and hellb-" "MA'AM HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS INFORMATION!" Called one of the cops. "I-" they pushed her back on the ground. "YOU MOTHER FUCKERS! ILL-" "you'll what..." She stopped and looked down. "Let's go.." she got up and walked away. I looked at the cops and he smirked " you want pushed to?" I shook my head no and rushed to Jade. "You ok?" She nodded "yeah...iv been hurt worse than this I'll live." "Ok.." we walked down the empty Ally way on our way to my house. Knowing there is nothing for two girls to do at this hour. "You got money for the train..right?" Jade nodded "ok" we walked down the steps and and gave the man our money and waited for the train sighlently as Jade held her arm. It was visible that she hurt it enough to make her not want to move it. The cop pushed her hard on the cement sidewalk. The sound of glass shattering made me lose my train of thought and look back to see a red tall being with black hair in a bun fighting a smile greenish being on all fours. Jade gasped and looked at him with shock. "THE MONSTER!!" a woman screamed and everyone rushed up the stairs. The roof above caved in on the red man and crushed him. The slimy being looked at us and growled. It charged us we screamed as it's razor sharp teeth grazed my 'cloak'. "Hold it buster.." said the red man as he grabbed the monster. He looked at me in the eyes and just stared. She was vary tall and muscular..he grunted and looked away and tossed the being in the trains way and killed it. He walked to me and Jade who was still holding her arm. He looked down at us.

My Favorite Color Is Red..(hellboyxreader)Where stories live. Discover now