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Y/ns POV

I looked at hellboy with sadness and confusion plasterd on my face. He stared blankly into the crowd who where silent. "" he sent me a glare following a harsh comment " you what. You didn't mean for the photos to be let out? Who where you even sending them to y/n!? AGENT DICK HEAD!? Don't even try to clear your name y/n..." he growled and looked at Liz. Then he walked inside the base. I stood there motionless and shocked. Jade ran up behind me and made me face her. "Y/n what's wrong with you..."  She asked I looked down knowing I couldn't clear this up. Tears bubbled in my eyes knowing what me and red had was torn apart. I spun on my heal and ran. Past the camera men, past the paparazzi, past Liz who was smirking. I ran and ran as far and fast as my legs could take me. I ran into the thick and dark woods. I pant and fall to the ground. My tears where rolling down my cheeks. I crawl to a tree and prop myself up. Gasping in air as if it where my last I looked around at my surroundings. " I..." I asked my self. I've never ventured out here before..I didn't even realize I ran all the way out here..looking down i realize I'm still in hellboys shirt. My tears run faster as I bring it up to my face burying myself in it. The only man I love...hates me...for something i didn't even do!! As I cried I felt my eye lids start to get heavy..then I seen darkness.

Hellboys POV

"How could she!?" I yelled tossing a wooden table. "I was starting to love her! Then she dose this!" I said panting. "WHO THE HELL WAS SHE EVEN SENDING THEN TO!?" I scream stomping on a bookshelf I pulled from the wall. I stop and gaze around the room at the mess I made. Falling to the ground on my knees I bury my hands in my lose hair(No ponytail in).sighing I looked up at a mirror that was shattered. "Look at you red....a mess over a girl...." Talking to my self i lower my head...I thought she was the one...but I guess there are other people out there..but none will be like her.

Liz pov

I smirk as I walk past hellboy. 'awe look at him...sad... depressed..good.' I thought as I walked past. "Babe your amazing" said miles grabbing my hips. "Mmh tell me something I don't know baby~" I said doing around wrapping my arms around his neck. "You destroyed him more then ever." I frown. "That wasn't what I was after miles....don't get me wrong I love seeing him hurt. I wanted to destroy y/n..." I said " well you did it. Seeing how she ran away crying like the pussy she is"  I smile big and proud. "shh c,Mon I don't want people to know what I've done just yet! And I got a surprise for you~" I said grabbing him by the collar and tugging him down the hallway.

Abe's POV

I jumped back. Shocked and alarmed. "This was all Lizz and miles doing." I said looking back. "I KNEW IT!" Whisper yelled Jade  who was on my back. I blushed softly and spun around. "Look we gotta go tell red-!" She covered my mouth "shh!"  "But Jade i-" "shh!!!!!" "Jade don't shush me-!" She slammed her lips on mine and pushed me away from the doorway. Lizz and miles walked by the room giggling. Jade separated and looked at my arm around her waist and then into my 'eyes'. "I-..I'm.....l-let's get red." She said blushing hard and running to where red is. I 'smiled' and ran to red. He isnt gnna be happy...

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