words left unspoken

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Hellboys pov

"I love you with all my damn heart..those days I spent without you and looking for you where the hardest..I need you in my life...so..y/n..be mine..be my girlfriend..."
She seemed to freeze and not speak. Her head was hung low and she gripped my shirt.
"Y/n?..." I said slightly worried.
She didn't speak but let her arms slide down to her sides. 
"Y/n.." I let go and watched her back way slowly.
"S-sorry I souldnt have asked" I mumbled turning away. "I'll leave you here with that guy.." as I started to walk away I felt weight on my back and arms wrapped around me. Looking back i see y/n hugging me tight sobbing. 
'Did i fuck up that bad..?' I thought as i turned around and kneeled down to her level.
"Hey I'm sorry..I shouldn't have asked this soon."
She looked at me as tears streamed from her eyes once more.
"I'm not crying at the fact you asked this soon. I'm not crying at the fact you did something. I'm crying because you still love me when I thought all the feelings you had for me where lost.."
She buryed her head in my neck and hugged me tight.
"I'm still sorry for everything y/n.."
"Dont be.."
"How can I not? I messed up so damn bad..I-"
She smashed her lips on mine. Wrapping her arms around my neck. And her legs around my waist I pick her up and hold her as I kissed back.
She slowly pulled away with a smile
" I waited so long to here you say those words.."
I smiled back and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.
"Shall we go home?" I asked
She nodded and slowly we walked out of the wooded area and into the field going home.

Julian's pov

As I watched them leave with smiles on there faces I couldn't help but feel a sudden pain in my chest. A pain I never felt before. It wasnt like a pain of being hit or internal injuries.
It felt like true heart break. Something I though i couldn't feel.
Due to me being out here so long and leaving my family behind i thought i had became heartless and numb.
But when i first laid my eyes on that beautiful loving h/e eyed girl. I felt a little somthing close to warmth.
Somthing i haven't felt in a long time. Somthing I'm not used to...somthing I want back...
I growled and started to March back into the woods. Pulling my mask over my face and my gloves back on my hands.
"Hes not gunna take her away from me." I mumbled picking up my pace
"Not this time.."

I'm sorry it's short...I'm going threw some personal things rn and updates will we slow or short...talk to you guys later

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