happy everafter?

716 14 3

Hellboys pov

I awoke to the sound of an alarm. Sighing I turn shuting it off. Looking over I spot y/ns sleeping form. I felt a smile creep on my face as I slowly rolled over. Putting my arm around her I brought her in to me and rested my face on the pillow above her head.
Iv never been this happy to be with a person this much before. It's not normal..but I'll let it pass this time..
Then the flashing image of julian periced three my brain.
I frown.
Did y/n possibly fall for him while she was out there?. Were they dating? Is this why julian was so protective over y/n?
Thoughts ran threw my brain till a small hand was placed on my cheek. Looking up I see y/n beautiful e/c eyes staring into my yellow ones.
"I love your eyes" she mumbled tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I love you" I said smiling noticing her daint blush.
"How was your sleep" she asked trying to change the convocation
"Better now that I have you in my arms"
She giggled and snuggled into my chest.
"Y/n.." I mumbled
"I truly am sorry.."
She didnt look up she just hugged me for what seemed like forever.
"Its ok hun.."
She backed away and swung her legs over the bed getting up and getting dressed.
My eyes widened and I quickly turned away.
"Oh.." she said with a hint of embarrassment "I'm sorry..I'm used to doing that seeing how my own room here was- wait..my room! Who has it?"
I had to think for a while before finally answering her.
"I dont think anyone dose. It you wanna go look..you know where it is "
She nodded and stared to walk out.
I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me.
"You forget somthing?" I asked smiking
"I dont think so.."
I leaned down my lips inches from her lips. I could feel her hot breath on my lips as our eyes locked.
Slowly her eyes closed and our lips locked on eachothers. Her hands ran up my bare chest to my neck wrapping her arms around it as I backed her into a wall. My hand in the wall holding us up. My other holding her small waist. 
She pulled away quickly.  Her face was a crimson red as she looked at me. I smiled and chuckled.
"Go find your room my love" I mumbled as I started out the door. She followed and went the opposite direction of me.
As she went to her room. I had some business to attend to in a room that kept a certain fire powered woman. And her girly-boy boyfriend..

  *                              *                             *

" how dose that feel! Huh!?" I yelled as I grabbed liz by the hair again and held her up in the air were miles was swinging. Seeing how I tied him up bh his wrists.
"Red..-" liz started
"Dont call me that! You dont ever get to call me that.."
She seemed to cringe at my harsh voice.
"Why did you do what you did to y/n.." I muttered threw clenched teeth.
She smirked laughing then looked at me "she dosnt belong in a place like this.. shes mortal and has no business shooting around here...she also cant be trusted near you. Or..can you not be trusted around her..you..big..RED....MONSTER!" she barked at me trying to kick my face but I dodged. Frowning.
"I'm the monster? Says the one who burnt a 'hospital' because of a damn dream. Then burnt a play ground because of some kids saying words any kid would."
She seemed to go quiet.
"Before you go calling me a monster..look at yourself for once." I spat as I hung her next to miles. But this time. By her ankles.
I marched out and spotted y/n talking to jade. They squealed and hugged. Then she looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and walked over until a webby hand pulled me into another room.
"What the hell!?" I yelled but it covered my mouth.
"Hellboy shh"
"Abe?" I asked as my eyes on used to the dark
He nodded
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"I need to inform you on things that are happening on the outside of these gates"
"Like what?" I said confused
"Theses and unknown identity terrorizing people"
"The only image taken of it was this"
He handed me a image and I looked closely. I gasped in shocked and realized.

It was y/n

My Favorite Color Is Red..(hellboyxreader)Where stories live. Discover now