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'snap' "oh no..."


Walking threw the dark foggy woods. Everything was sightly. No owls or wolf's sending out their nightly call. "Weird.." I mumble. "Usually the night is loud and semi peaceful.." mutering i didn't realize I walked out into the field. I crack a smile as my red hair blew in the wind. My grey eyes dark from across the field. Sighing I continue to walk. The firefly's sprung to life and flew around me. The river down the hill made little splashes and snaking sounds as it flowed. In the far I see a fawn and it's mother running along the forest edge. The fawn jumped and kicked as it's mother walked calmly. The fawn ran and tripped tumbling twards me. Out of shock both me and the mother rush at it. I catch it and set it on it-HIS feet. The mother rushed ro him and nuzzled him. One look at me and they run into the deep and dark woods. I stand up and walk. I feel wetness on my shoulder and look up. It starts to pour. I rush into the other part of the woods while throwing my hood over my head.    I come to a stop and see the river flowing rapidly. I sigh and lean on the tree. I grab my eye patch and whipe the water off. There's soft snoring beside me. Looking down I see a girl. Gasping I jump away. The girl was sleeping with tear soaked cheeks. 'what is a girl doing out here?' i thought. Crouching down i see sue was fairly pretty. Knowing she isn't safe alone or near me. I back away and go behind a tree to watch her.

Y/ns POV

I gasp and stand up to see a man behind the tree. "W-WHO ARE YOU!?" the man only looked at me."fine...don't answer.." he looked at me and opened his mouth to speak but stopped then open it again. " Why are you out here...?" His voice was rough and raspy. "Got accused of something I didn't do. My...well I thought my lover. Turned on me..." I seen a flash of sympathy on his face "Oh.. i thought you just got lost and cried yourself to sleep". He said smirking. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Him following shortly after.

(Sorry so short)

My Favorite Color Is Red..(hellboyxreader)Where stories live. Discover now