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hell boy came in with another agent and told us the rest of the team was here. Me and y/n extanged looks and walked along side them. Y/n and hell boy were walking closely together as the agent was up in front and I was all the way in the back. Remaining sighlent we round the corner and found a woman and make/fish. The agent walks to the side and we walked up front. I was hidden behind hellboy and y/n so I didn't see them and hopefully they didn't see me. "Guys this is y/n." Hellboy mumbled y/n waved slightly "h-hi" the others said hi. "And this!" Hell bit started but stopped to pick me up by my cloak and brought me in front of them. "is Jade " y/n giggled and hell boy chuckled. He let go and I fell on the floor. "ow ... and hi.."no groan. I was about to get up till I see a blueish webby hand come into view. Looking up I see Abe offering his hand. I take it and he helps me up. "Hello Miss Jade. I'm Abe. Abe Sapien." I smiled "Jade Ritchie .." he smiled the best he could. "and I'm Lizz." We looked back and seen a girl with short black hair and black cloths. "or gothic fire girl.." mumbled hell boy y/n smiled. Earning a groan from Lizz. She went to the agent and walked out with him. "Don't worry about her. She shall warm up to you both in time." Said Abe I nodded. "Wait how long are we staying here?" Abe and hell boy looked at each other. "I talked to my dad and he said he will have to see you two before he makes his mind up." Hell said. I nodded and looked at y/n who sighlently watched hell boys tail flick back and forth in a amazed standing. Abe looked in my line of focus and chuckled. "she is watching your tail" hell boy looked at y/n and smiled softly. "let's ..let's go find my dad he will meet with y/n first." We nodded and sat down on the couch as hell boy took y/n away. "you know ..I haven't seen him smile like that in for ever. Or even smile at all." Abe said sitting down. "Really?" He nodded "I have this feeling your friend is going to stay for sure. She's gonna make a lot of people happy." I looked at him. "And I not make people happy here?" His 'eyes' went wide and his head snapped towards me.


" I not make people happy here?" She mumbled in a sad tone. I snapped my head towards her. "Of course you do. And you will your a fun person to be around already!" She blushed softly at those words. " You think so?" I nodded then thought about hellboy and Lizz. "Abe weren't hell boy and Lizz a thing?"


He sighed " yes but Lizz cheated on him with agent miles. And hell boy never got over it. Well of her yes but over the fact she didn't love him. So now he thinks he is not ment for it." I stare at him. "That's so sad...have you found anyone?" He looked down swallowing hard. "n-no..well I did but she's...gone her name was Zerenity...she was Goddess of another dark world while her sister Ava was goddess of another light world." "What happened to them?" He sighed again "Ava is alive and well in the light world. When Zerenity died she wanted nothing to do with this world and left to take care of her world.." he looked at jade" Zerenity died in a war. She was fighting for human peace even though they hated her most. When she won the war. One human who hated her most stood up out of the rubble and shot her in the gut. She lived long enough to tell me she loved me dearly. She died in my arms.." he held his arms in a holding motion as bubbles went wild in his tank. "what happened to the dark world?" He looked at me. "It's been left to die...her sister never went and told the 'people' Zerenity created by her powers what happened and left them there believeing there queen will come day..." She could tell he was 'crying' because he slouched over and coverd his take in his hands. Jade crawled over and hugged him carfully. "I'm sorry...." "It's...alright.shes happy protecting them up there..." Hell boy and y/n walked in "dad didn't want to see them yet"


A few months have passed and everyone got to know each other vary well. Hell boy and y/n hung out with each other alot. Abe and Jade hung out with each other alot also. Hell boy and y/n we're out finding his dad for a meeting he settled up. Abe and Jade where in a room alone. Abe was playing with his tank and Jade was reading a book untill a loud booming screach echoed threw the room. Abe covered his ears and hit the floor. "SsSorry still trying-g to figure this st-stuf-f out. " There was two taps then the voice again. "thank you Jade for spending your time with Abe or out test. Both of you didn't know neither did my son and y/n but yes. I'm glad to announce...-" hell boy and y/n walked in "can't find my dad- oh" "just in time my son. Good news Jade and y/n shall he staying with us and be part of the team!" Abe hugged Jade tight accidentally pushing them both on the floor. Hell boy picked y/n up and spun her around in circles everyone started to laugh and cheer with joy. "yes! We are gonna have y/n and Jade with us!" Abe yelled/mumbled hell boy smiled at the camera and mouthed thank you. The red light on the camera went off. "This is gonna he so fucking FUN!!" y/n yelled giggling hugging hell boy tight. Abe looked at jade and Jade looked at Abe. "fun" they said together. Lizz and miles walked in confused by all the screaming. "what the fuck is going on?" Lizz yelled making everyone stop cheering. "me and Jade are part of the team!" Y/n squealed"what? How and why they don't seem to look like monsters..." "Nither do you but your here. " Growled hell boy threw his teeth. She rolled her eyes"at least I got talent!" Hell boy clenched his fists "oh yeah you do a talent of GOING BEHIND SOMEONE'S FUCKING BACK ABD CHEATING ON THEM WITH A STUPID ASS LOWSY MOTHER'S FUCKING AGENT!!!" he yelled punching the wall next to him making a large whole. Lizz stood there and crossed her arms "I wouldn't have cheated if you didn't look and act like a monster that you already are." With that she walked out flicking him off. Hell boy stopped and stared at the door. "Monster..." He looked down and relaxed before tensing again and punching the doors open and running out of the room and out of the house in the rain. Jade and Abe watched in shock as y/n ran after him. "Will he be ok?" Jade asked "yes hell boy needs time alone sometimes." The nodded and walked out there separate ways to there rooms. 'what a day'

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