unsaid words

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Y/ns POV

My eyes flutter open. I'm on cold stone floor. I sit up and feel something slide off me. It was Julian's cloak. 'he covered me up?..' i thought. Wait...Julian! I stood up wrapping up the cloak around me. Walking out of the cave I look for Julian. "Julian!?" I call but no answer. I grow worried then I heard a thump. Spinning around I'm face to chest with someone. I look up and see a tall dark figure. "H..hi.." they grabbed me by my throat and lifted me up. I gasp and claw at their arm. They leaned in and whispered. "You made the mistake of coming here.." 【y【o【u 【m【a【d】e 【t【h【e 【m【i【s【t【a【k【e 【o【f 【c【o【m【i【n【g 【h【e【r【e..." I gasp for air as there grip tightened. "HEY!" They looked back and got punched in the throat by Julian. They fell to the ground and I came tumbling down. Julian caught me and hid me behind a tree. "Stay." I nod and he ran at the person. They threw punches at eachother till Julian punched then and there jaw was hanging not moving. They held it and ran off. Julian chuckled then ran to me. He picked me up and looked at my neck. "Are you ok.." he asked voice full of sympathy. "Im ok." He nodded and hugged me. Then put me down. " We should move before they come back or something." I nodded. "Oh wait here " I went to hand him his cloak but stopped me. "Its beter on you" he said smiling slightly. I blushed and we started walking. A small smile on my lips.

Julian's POV

She was cute. I have to say that for sure. Her wrapped in my cloak makes me kinda crazy. It's huge on her small form. I know i shouldn't be thinking this way but can't help it. Ever since I first say her my cold and dead heart felt a spark. Stop Julian. The only reason. We are going on this Adventure is because she's getting back to her.. lover... I sighed and continued walking the morning dew on the grass making her outshine it all. I felt myself smile more then ever. She must be the one and only thing that saves me from ny depressed and lonley mind...I think i love her

Hellboys POV

I dart threw threw the wet tall grass. "Y/n!" I called. I ran as fast as my legs could take me and then I fall down a Cliff. I gasp and shoot at a tree and swing across the fall off. I hit the ground and lay there for a minute catching my breath. Then it went off. I took it out and looked. "CLOSE! it said. I smile and seen it ponting to a cave. I get up and bolt into it. "Y/N!!" I yelled. The only thing that answered me was my echo. I sigh. "What if i never find her.." I looked down and rubbed my eyes due to not having sleep for a long time. But I can't sleep till i find her. I love her. More then life it's self. It buzzed again and I looked at it. My book was pointing to the right. I grin and bolt again. Y/n I'm so close to you. I'm coming to bring you home

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