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Zicky pov

I March around getting into my jars full of bugs and other parts of animals.
Grabbing a hand full of cut up deer guts I threw them in a pot along with maggots and earthworms. Then I grabbed my beater and mushed them up till it was runny slime. As I did this I kept my eye on the man tied in the chair.
Then it acured to me that I never fully inspected him. I stopped mushing and put the pot over a fire then crawled towards his sleeping tied up form.
I grabbed his face tight and looked at every detail. He had a fairly strong jaw bone along with bushy brows. His body from afar looked like a twig but on further inspection he was pretty buff and looked as if he had been on the run for countless years. Then I took my hand and place it upon his forehead. Sighing I closed my eyes and chanted a soft spell.
"Open my eye and let me see..everything new that comes to me.." I mumbled softly then everything got bright and I stumbled backwards.
"Ma'am I'm afraid your husband has been diagnosed with a deathly sickness called the plauge" the man said
"What? Is there anything you can do for him?.." asked a long haired woman
"At this time all we can do is use cleaned leaches to suck the evil out but other than that I'm afraid not. "
"See to it then! Dont waist your time telling me useless information while you can be in their doing your job you red haired pig!"
The man swallowed hard and rushed into the room without another word.
"Julian hows everything going?" Asked the woman
"Good nadia...hes sleeping right now but that's due to all the blood that was draid.but no fear he will recover soon" julian said writing in a book
"Ok then" said nadia
"Julian i- oh my god!" Nadia cried in horror as the room was set ablaze and no sit of julian to be seen. The only thing in this room was the king's body that too was set a flame. The woman growled and looked back.
"you all get water and put this out! Hit you ten go after the fool who did this!"
"Yes ma'am!" They all said in unison as the scattered to their places.
Taking a step back I feel a sudden pain in my arm. Looking down I see blood pooled on the floor. I gasp and look up to see a knife in my arm. I Yelp and see the man running from my door. I yelled and ran after him grabbing a put full of the mushy slime.
He ran fast for someone so lankey but he can not out run me..
I growled and lunged at him locking my jaws on his leg causing him to scream bloody murder.
He fell to the ground with a thud and tried to pry me oof as I quickly crawled up and straddled him to the floor.
Slowly I opened the bottle and looked at him. He closed his mouth tight hoping it would work. But it didnt.
My boney hand grabbed his bottom lip and squeezed into his mouth as my other hand did the same to the top.
Slowly his mouth started to open but not wide I pulled...and pulled....and pulled till I heard a gruesome cracking and popping sound. I smiled with delight as his screamed where muffled as I poured the liquid down his throat till his eyes closed.
I got up and waited...waited...and waited till his body started to shake..then his eyes shaped open...they were no longer his normal color...theh were as night..
" hello my son.." I mumbled smiling showing my sharp teeth

My Favorite Color Is Red..(hellboyxreader)Where stories live. Discover now