finding home

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??? POV

I run my hand threw my red curly hair as we walk threw the forest. "Do you know where we are.." she asked. Of course I did. But what fun would that be to let her know?."...nope not a clue" I said smirking. She rolled her eyes. She was a good distance from me and I never let her closer. "Your from that city... Correct?". She nodded. "Then why are you all the way out here..your four miles away" she stoped and looked at me eyes wide and mouth open. "FOUR MILES!?!?" She yelled causing birds to flutter away. I calmly nodded flashing a playful grin. She ran her hand threw her h/c hair. She showed signs of being stressed. "Miss-" "IM IN THE WOODS WITH SOMEONE I DONT KNOW AND IM FOUR FUCKING MILES AWAY FROM HOME! I CANT CALL FOR HELP!" She started to rant getting me annoyed. Groaning i walk to her and cover her mouth. She looked a me. "SH! Here that?" She shook her head "exactly....let's try and keep it that way." I let go and wiped my hand on my cloak. "the fastest way to get you back home is that way" i said pointing to the steep hill. "that's way to step to walk down " she mumbled. Pinching the bridge of my nose I sigh"we are walking..." She looked back at me with a questionable face I grabbed her by the waist and ran to the hill jumping off. She screamed loudly in my ear and buryed her face in my cloak. 'ow' grabbing a branch of the tree I use it to help clear my way. Just a few feet down i see the river. "That's our best bet" i mumble while she is still screaming.

* * *

Hellboys pov

I walk down the empty road and sigh. "This is my fault. I wouldn't be out here if I just trusted her...I groan and look up at the sky. It was day. The woods was still about two miles away. If she isn't there I don't know where else to look...

-to be continued-

My Favorite Color Is Red..(hellboyxreader)Where stories live. Discover now