fight back 1

603 10 2

Hellboys pov

I looked up and seen the two people up top.
"Abe can you zoom in and see who they are?" I asked
He nodded and took out a big hand machine pointing it at the being.
He seemed disgusted but kept going.
"Abe what do you see?" Y/n asked
"Well this creature seems to be fairly slimy but with a strong build-" he started
"No the people abe.." jade said
"Ah. Well one is a shagy woman and the other is.." he stood back from the machine and fear stuck his face.
"Whats wrong abe.." y/n asked
He looked at y/n slowly and managed to stutter out "julian.."
Y/n seemed to go into panic mode.
"O-ok we got to run or at least just get far away and then think of somthing to do"
"Y/n-" before I could finish my sentence she was already gone dragging jade with her.
I looked at abe and he shrugged and followed after them.
I sighed and looked back at the being consuming yet another building full of inocent people. Then I ran after them.

*                                  *                                *

"Ok what the fuck was that y/n" I roared as I stood in the door way.
"What do you mean.." she mumbled
"What do i mean? What do I fucking mean!? You saw that creature and you were all up and ready to go out there and kick some ass. Even when abe said two people were up there you were still all for it. Then he said one was julian and you immediately back up like a dog with its tail between its legs!"
She looked down as she hugged her self.
"What did you do that"i asked
"I..dont know.." she mumbled
I groaned and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Oh course you dont fucking know." I stared  "you do realize by you running away and dragging all of us with you that innocent people are fucking dying! That's on us we save people not leave them to die when one of your 'freinds' is the fucking culprit!"
She looked at me full of worry.
"Yea I fucking know. You and julian had some sort of thing in those woods. Having a fun time just hanging around maybe a little bit of the rough stuff. While I was out there risking my ass to come and find you while I was thinking you wont do anything wrong you'll be ok you can survive on your own. You wont find another yeah that was dumb of me to think. Your not loyal your just..."
She glared at me her e/c eyes piercing threw me.
"I'm a what hellboy.." she hissed her voice containing hints of venom.
"Your just a lying bitch that we picked up from the side of the damn road"
"You never fucking had to take us with you!"
"Your right. I wish we disnt because my life was a whole lot better without your sorry ass in it."
She froze.
"You should just go fucking sacrifice yourself to that..thing because none of us will fucking miss you hell I only came to get you because jade and abe were complaining on how they missed you and that liz was wrong. You would still be out there if they never said anything. I dont care about you and I never will y/n."
She looked down.
I felt eyes on me and looking back I saw abe and jade staring at me with enraged faces.
"Its true" I mumbled as jade went to y/n.
Abe grabbed my shoulder looking down.
"Abe?" I said
He looked up "your wrong" with that he brought his fist up and punched me square in the jaw.

Jades pov

I held y/n in my arms as she silently cried. She disnt want to say it but hellboys words struck her hard.
Iv never seem her cry this bad science the first time she dislocated her elbow..
"Its ok y/n.."I shushed as I rubbed her back.
"It just..hurts" she mumbled
"I know.." i said looking up and seeing abe place a hand on hellboy. 
"Fuck" I muttered and held y/n close trying to plug her ears so she wont hear what's about to happen.
I heard abe mutter somthing then punch hellboys jaw.
The sound that came from it sent shivers down my spine. Abe then proceeded to climb on him and throw punches at his face.
Hellboy grabbed abes fist and twisted it making abe Yelp. He threw him off then got up slowly walking to abe grabbing him by the head. 
I gasped at hellbou pinned abe to the wall and repeatedly smashed his fist into abes gut making him grunt.
I yelled at them to stop but they were to far into killing eachother.
Abe his legs around hellboys arm and bent it the wrong way making him fall. He then got on him grabbing his arms and pulling them back.
I looked away and continued to comfort y/n as I hoped that they will settle this.

Abes pov

As I pulled hellboys arms I could hear his bones crack as he groaned in pain.
"How dose this feel!" I yelled
He didnt answer and continued to stugged against my grip.
"This is pay back for the pain you put y/m threw!"I  Yelled as I threw him over my shoulder and threw him to the ground stomach first.
I straddled him and grabbed his hair pulling his head up to look at jade and y/n.
"Look at what you did hellboy." I said as he grunted painfully.
He seemed the freeze when his eyes landed on y/ns crying form.
"You made her feel this way and you made her like this " I spit.
"Your right.." he muttered  as he sighed.
"Y/n I'm sorry-"
"I dont want your dumb apology.." she said whipping her tears and standing up with jade.
"You think a simple sorry will fix everything. Your fucking wrong " she said as she walked over to the door.
"Abe..jade..lets go save a city.." with that she walked out the door followed by jade.
I got up and went to follow when I looked back and saw hellboy sitting down.
"Get your lazy ass up" i said as i grabbed his arm and marched him out of the room.
"She may hate you right now but you still got to protect the damn city" I mumbled as we followed the girls.

*                                 *                               *

"Ok..abe you'll be stationed here...while jade will be here..hellboy..will be all the way over here and I'll be right here.."  y/n said as she circled places on the city map.
"This creature is big to that means he wont be able to go far seing how these buildings are huge. "
I nodded
" abe when you see the creature take the bait you'll use the walkie-talkie and then the rest of us will do our job and attack it. "
"You sure this will work?" Jade asked a little worried.
"Hopefully.. it's our only big hope.." she said as she grabbed the walkie-talkies and handed them out.
"Everyone get your weapons" I yelled as everyone went to the weapon station. Grabbing their assigned weapon.
"Be safe everyone and do as told!" Y/n yelled as she marched our of the room into the city. One by one we all followed.
"Ok abe you see it? Over" Y/n said
"Affirmative, over "
"Alright you know what to do, over"
I nodded to myself and grabbed the gun pointing it into the sky.
Slowly I pulled the trigger seting off the red flair to hopefully get the attention of the creature.
To my suprise it did letting out a roar as I walked to were the flair was set off. In the distance I sopted hellboy grip his guns tightly and jade her poison bow. But y/n was no were to be seen.
"Y/n were are you?, over"
No response
"Y/n were the fuck are you?,over"
"Shes..climbing up the creatures back..over." jade muttered
"Why the fuck-" I stopped
"No time abe we gotta go in!" Hellboy yelled.
I looked up and saw that the creature wa sin front of us now.
"GO GO GO!" I yelled as all three of us charged the being.
Jade shot the creatures side and hellboy shot it in its face.
I grabbed my machine and kept shooting flairs In its face to keep it from possibly hurting any of us.
I smirked and put the settings on blast sending hundreds of flairs up causing the creature to roar louder.
"How do ya like that!" I yelled
"Abe! Go to the top of that building and shot closer into its face! I'll make sure it dont move" called hellboy. I nodded and ran up the stair way.
Every window I passed i saw the creatures body more.
It was vary smily but its build was more tough then I could see. It was covered from head to toe in what looked like steal caps and its hands had claws that were sharper then a knife. Its tail was long and was also covered in the plates. At the end it had three big spikes. One of each side and one at the end also as sharp as its claws. Then once I was on the building I saw its head. Hit was covered in the plates and had a snout that hid millions upon millin8of rows of sharp yellow teeth that had a few blood stains in them. Its tongue looked like one that belonged to a snake. It had only two eyes which were yellow and blood shot only containing a slit of a pupil.
But what stood out the most was how on the top of its head there were horns. Not deer antlers or demonic horns just..horns that grew from its head that twisted up then pointed up. Wrapping around them were vines covered in dead things such as, dead humans,animals, and plants. On top of that was the cloud like play form the two people stood on..
I shook away my thoughts and set the machine down and got into position. 
And shot the red flair directly into its snout.
It roared in pain and grabbed its snout then glared at me.
I grinned and ained my machine one more time.
"This is the end for you buddy.." I said pulling the trigger.

But this flair shot out

My Favorite Color Is Red..(hellboyxreader)Where stories live. Discover now