learning to loving again

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Hell boys pov

The road was dim and quiet. Y/ns sleeping form was in my arms as I walked. She snuggled closer to my chest making me smile.
The way her hair flowed in the wind. As her lips curled into a small smile everytime I tighten my grip made my heart wanna scream. Her tiny hands gripped my shirt making me feel as if I'm doing somthing right.
"Oh y/n what am I gunna do with you" I mumbled as I walked on. I knew the base wasnt far as we have been walking for a long time.
The night was chilly. It felt good on my skin. The moon was full and was shining bright as the stars danced around it gracefully.
'This must have been what y/n saw while she was here..' I thought as I watched the sky.
The sounds of owls and crickets lingered all around.
Then a sudden thought popped into my head.
'What if she realizes she dosnt wanna be with me?..' I felt myself frown and walk slower looking down at her small sleeping body in my large arms.
"Do I deserve you?.." I mumbled aloud sighing softly.


"Y/n!" I called
"Yea?" She asked tilting her head to the side while she played on my bed reading a magazine
I stood in front of her and she looked up at me with confusion.
"What do you have behind your back?.."
I smirked "I cant say till you close your eyes"
"Why would I-"
"Please y/n. For me." I asked looking down at her softly.
She groaned "finee just stop giving me the puppy eyes!!" She said closing her eyes.
I smiled "now hold your hands out"
"Wha? That wasnt what you said before!"
"Pleasee" I said
There was a moment of silence till she spoke.
"Your doing the puppy eyes again arnt you. "
I chuckled "yup"
She sighed and put her hands out.
I slowly removed my hands from my back and put the suprise in her hands.
She jumped bit "c-can I look now?" She asked
I nodded. "Wait shit. Uh yeah"
She opend her eyed and they met with a tiny kitten and a note.
She squealed "awe! Hes so cute! What's his name!" She said a si played on the bed next to her sitting form petting the kitten gently.
"I dont know. You name it"
"Hmm. Why not...clover"
"Clover?" I asked
She nodded. "Yeah because look," she pointed at his forehead "it looks life a four leaf clover!" She said happily
I smiled "lovley-"
"A note?" She said setting the kitten down in my hands
She opened the card and took it out of the envelope.
"Read it aloud?" She asked
I nodded
She cleared her throat and un folded it.
" dear y/n,
Do you like the kitten I bought for you? I hope you do. Iv been looking everywhere for a kitten that looked suitable for a beautiful lady like you. I hope you'll name him somthing great. Knowing you..you will..everything you do is great and I love that about you..and y/n I know theres nothing special but..today is the day we met. Thus me getting this kitten. And..one more thing...I have been meaning to tell you this ever since iv met you y/n l/n...I lov-"


i felt my whole body shaking. As I came to the door step. Slowly u open the door and I'm met with a worried jade and abe.
"Is she ok!?" Jade yelled
I walked past her and walked down the hall with them following.
"Hellboy are you alright?" abe said
I opened the door to my room and walked in.
"Hellboy!-" they started
I shut my door and locked it.
Sighing softly I walk to my bed and set y/n in it gently. Then I slowly walk over to my side and take my boots off.and climbed in next to her hugging her tight and close. I snuggled my head into her shoulder as I felt her arms wrap around my body. I smiled softly and ran my hand threw her hair.
Ever since liz did what she did I never thought I would be able to love again..I thought I was to much of a monster..seeing how everyone thought that. Until she showed up. Y/n is the light that came into my life when all the candles went out. Without here I have no idea what I would do. While she was missing I felt like my whole world was going dark again. I knew i had to find her or i would never be whole again. She is my better half..
She makes me calm when I'm near her..She makes sure I'm ok when I'm hurt or sick. She makes sure I know how she feels even when I never told her how I felt..the way she looks..the way she acts...the way she talks...everything she dose puts me i. A trance...I cant stop looking at her and my heart beats so damn fast. I'm scared to do the slighting..I dont wanna scare her..I love her..its hard for me to say..seeing how I told my self I would NEVER fall for a human..dad told me they would eat me up alive and use me for money..I dont think y/n is like that though..
Looking dow I see y/n buried her head in my chest. I felt my cheeks getting hot and my heart beating fast. My grip on her tightened maki g her do her little cute smile she always dose..
"I would do anything for you y/n.." I said running my hand along her cheek cupping it softly trying not to hurt her in the process. I stare at her for a while talking in the beauty that played here beside me.

"Y/n.. I'm going to marry you one day..."

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