fight back 2

552 9 2

Abe pov

I froze. Then continued to pull the trigger multiple times.
"No no no no no" I called as opened the machine up reveling that it held no more flairs.
Looking back I see I'm out of them there too.
"Fuck" I mutter to myself and avert my gaze back to the creature that was now staring down at me.
It seemed to smirk as it slowly raised its tail.
For a split second I though I saw the souls of people hidden in its eyes as its sharp teeth quickly grabbed my arm and flung me hundreds of feet in the air.
Only to get hit by its tail far into a building.

Hellboys pov

"Abe!" I yelled as I saw his limb body fly into a building.
"Hellboy go!" Jade said "I'll get him yoh get y/n and take this damn thing down" whe said as she rushed to the building abe flew into
I nodded and looked at the beings back that faced me. There insane y/n reaching the top of its head then grabbing hold of bit of its horn.
"Y/n!" I yelled.
She looked at me quickly before I jumped over and was now in front of her.
"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled
She growled "trying my damn best to save this city" she spat.
"Your gunna get yourself killed!"
"I would rather die then let this thing hurt more innocent people and julian" she said
I groan as she climbs the horn she latched on.
The being roared shaking the ground it stood on and slowly walked to the building I wa just on and started to tear into it. Finding the humans that were too dumb to run.
"Ahh!"screamed a woman who was in the clutch of the beings hand.
I jumped onto the hand and pried the fingers off her body and slowly pulled her out.
The being tilted its head to look at me then hissed as it quickly moved down opening its mouth to feed.
I grabbed the girl then jumped onto another building setting her down.
"Now get the fuck out of here!" I yelled
She nodded and quickly ran down the stairs. Her heels clacking along the tile.
Looking behind me I see flames start to erupt around the city.
The sound of fire trucks,ambulance, and police cars and helicopters surrounded the place.

Y/ns pov

Slowly I climbed the creatures horns trying not to fall.
It was difficult due to it constantly tilting its head and making ear defining roars. I managed to make it half way up then sat on part of the work that was twisted to get someone of a break.
I looked down and saw the destruction this Creature made in just a few hours and sighed.
Just looking down there at all the hulinds that have fell and the cars upside down makes you think of how meny lives were lost in just these hours.  How meny family's will be torn by this and how people who just this morning kissed people goodbye for the last time and never really knowing it.
While looking down I spotted hellboy.
Just seeing him made me wanna punch him..yet made me wanna gold him in my small arms and tell him everything I feel...
"No y/n, what he said to you in that room was what he thought of you.  He hates you and you should hate him. You need to follow your heart and keep doing what you doing.." I muttered to my self.
I stood up confidence filling my body and grabbed hold of the horns again.
Once about to hoist my self up I froze and thought 'that was some Disney type shit I just said..what next I'm gunna sing about boy troubles and how hard it is to climb?' I shook the thoughts off and continued climbing up slipping everyone in a while as I did.
Once I managed to get up I see the woman and julian.
Growling I hoist my self up fully and crawl on all fours grabbing my knife from my pocket.
Once I was behind the woman I slowly raised it up. Positioning it to hit her back I was grabbed my the hair.
I groaned in pain and held the hand that pulled me.
Looking up I se eit wa julian that held me.
But he didnt look like the julian I knew..
His hair was darker and longer.  His skin was white as paper. He bad big bags under his dark eyes and his lips were fairly thin.
The clothes he wore were now blood stained and torn.
He didnt have the look he always gave me that showed sympathy and love. It was now full of hatred and blood lust.
"Julian.." I whispered
"Ma'am this..thing tried to harm you.." he said
The woman looked back and glared a me.
She a old woman but a way..around her neck was a necklace with 'j' carved into it.
I struggled "julien stop!" I yelled as he held me in the air.
"Let her down hun but make sure she dont leave" said the woman as she walked closer to me.
Julien set me down but held my shoulders tight.
Looking up I saw she was crouching down with her face in mine.
"What the fuck did you do to Julien you bitch " I spat
She frowned "your julien is gone.. he is mine now and is under my command. I would watch what you say runt I can make him kill you in a splot second and not feel bad about it."
I rolled my eyes "like he would listen to an old hag like you. "
She glared at me then left to control the being.
Looking around I try and find a way out.
It will be hard seeing how julien has a tight grip and if I got away that woman will order him and this thing to kill me.
I smirked and looked at Julian's hand.
Quickly I bit his hand hard and he yelped letting go.
I took this chance to run at the woman and tackled her to the ground.
She let out an unhuman yell as she fell to the the ground.
"Get off me!" She screeched
I ignored her and punched her face then grabbed her arms flipping her over to her stomach.
"Now listen to me. Your gunna undo the damage you have done to this city. Your gunna kill this being. Your gunna turn yourself in and undo what ever the fuck you did to julian. "
She chuckled "if I dont.."
"I'll fucking kill you-gah!"
A forced kicked me off of her making me tumble.
Looking up I see julian glaring at me.
The woman got up and ran at me pushing me back to the ground using her nails dig into my skin.
I groan in pain and try to push her off but to no use. 
Looking around I remeber my knife. I grabbed it from my pocket and go to stap her but she grabs it.
"Ah ah ah..." she takes it in her hand and stabs me in the leg.
I screamed as I held it. Blood flowing all over.
She laughed and got up walking away.
I cried in pain as I tried to get the knife out. It was painful. Every pull I made it felt like my bones were being torn out. After about four trys I managed to get it lose.
I sat there for a minute taking in air prepaying myself for the pain I was about to go threw again.
Quickly I grabbe the knifes handle and pulled it out.
I screamed as tears ran down my cheeks.

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