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Hey y/n! Said hellboys waving to me across the room. Waving back  smiling wide. I walk over to him and hugged his arm "hell boy i-" he looked down at me and growled. "get the FUCK OFF OF ME. he pushed me off of his arm making me fly across the room. He took his blade that was in fire and walked towards me. I gasped and scoot back away from him. He grabbed me by the coller of my shirt and threw me again making me hit the wall hard. Leaving a dent. I cough and blood tricled down my mouth. Looking up I saw he was in front of me again. Tearing up I scream "help me!!!!!" He knelt down and lifted my face up forcing me to look him in the devil eyes. "he will leave you to rot once he is done with your usless body. " I looked at him at tears streamed down my cheeks. He raised his blade and jabbed it in my stomach. He smiled and gliched into nuada. Smiling he kissed my bloody lips "wake up y/n~"

Hellboys POV

Waking up I jolted a little but not enough to wake up y/n. Looking down I see she was cuddling onto me. I smile and play with her hair holding her tightly against my body. She mumbled and cuddled close. I smiled and leaned down to hear what she was saying. "H..h" 'she going to say my name' I thought."help me..." She said then started to cry softly. I hated seeing her cry. Made my heart weak. So I shook her. "Y/n wake up. It's just a dream." I said in a soothing voice. She jolted awake in a panic. It scared me a little. Looking at her in the eyes. She tackled me to the bed in a hug. I held her tightly and shifted to my back. She was laying on Top of me griping me tight. My hand ran threw her h/c locks as I muttered sweet nothings in her ear. "No one is going to get you while I'm here...I promise" with that I kissed her forehead and relaxed into the sheets.


Walking around the house I stop infront of hellboys room. I open it up and walk in shutting the door. Looking around I can't find him till I hear his soft snores. Walking to his bed I see y/n on top him sleeping. I smirked and took my phone out of my pocket. I take a few pictures and leave the room. Looking at the pictures I smile to my self and walk to my room. Opening the door I'm carfull not to wake my lover. I plugged my phone into the computer and went on an editor sight. "all I need to do it edit y/n out of her cloths and we will be done with her slutty ass. " I muttered and stared to edit.

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