The end

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Y/ns POV

it was cold. it felt like I was in the depths of water.
I took in a deep breath only to realize I had no air to breathe in. quickly I opened my eyes and seen I was in an inky black water type void. 
Looking around I spot something that looked like a tree limb.
I started to swim up slowly but little progress.
Slowly I was starting to become light headed and started to struggle more.
I out stretched my arm and just barely grabbed the tree.
Grabbing it fully I started to pull myself out of this ink.
It took everything in me to finally come above it.
I took in a gasp of air and laid there on the tree limb.
Every part of my body ached in pain as I slowly made my way to the green grass. I rose to my feet ignoring the pain that shot threw me with every move. I stretched my body out fully and winced in pain.
My hand instinctively threw itself to my back holding where the pain was.
I breathe din and out slowly trying to ignore the pain.
I felt wetness on my hand and looked down at my clothes.
To my suprise it wasnt my original clothing i had on. It was now a long white dress with tight sleeves. Confused still I bring my hand back to my face and noticed it was covered in crimson liquid.
I was full of confusion still as I started to make my way around this forest area.
My memories were a blur. I have no idea how I got here and why. All I knew was that I was far from home and there is no way to go back to the life I once had.
I looked down at my hand and the blood was gone. I reached back and there was no trace of it.
I sighed slightly and continued to walk in the beautiful green forest.
It was full of life and sound something that reminded me of julian..
It made me sad to know I never got to say an actual goodbye to him. He was the only person kind to me so far.  He took me in when everyone threw me out for things I never did nor thought about.
I stopped walking and sat on a rock.
He was there for me when I needed him the most but I left him once I saw hellboy..I didnt care about how he felt and what he thought..I only cared about myself..and how I would feel..I was just like hellboy..
I acted like I cared about him and wanted him in my life..and everyone around me aswell..but I truly only cared about myself and hellboy..
I was blinded but his stupidity that I never saw Julian's true self.. julian was pure and only had thoughts of making me happy..he wanted to protect me from everything this world threw at the end I threw a knife right into his back without a care in the world..
I created my head in my hands as I silently let tears run down my cheeks.
"I was so stupid.." I mumbled to myself shutting my eyes tightly.
"I am so selfish! I left someone who cared deeply about me and I later on..killed might have not been him but his body..the only real part about him!" I sobbed
"Its not your fault ya'know.."
"How! If I never left julian in that forest then that...bitch would have never stolen his body and killed his soul!" I cried.
"Y/n..why do you blame yourself for everything that happens.."
"Because I cause all the bad shit to happen.. hell I..did something that i never thought i would do in a million years today..-"
"You transformed in the thing you fear most..your true self..y/n stop hiding the fact that you are something greater then the person you are in hellboys eyes. Your beauty is something I never seen before. Your skills are far better then his or anyone that ever lived before. Your a creature that julian saw and felt feelings for before everyone even tried to look or listen are-"
"Julian.." I mutter
I jumped up and was face to face with julian. 
I smiled wide and hugged him tightly.
"It you it's really you!" I yelled
I felt him laugh and hug me back.
"I missed you too.." he said
"I thought you were dead when your body died!" I yelled
" body died but my soul was already here..remember?"
I let go and nodded slightly embarrassed.
"Julian.." I started
He looked at me. His soft eyes pierced mine and he flashed a wide smile.
He cocked a brow "for what.."
"For everything! I left you alone for a fucking red piece of shit who I thought loved me. He never did he cared about himself and what others thought of him! You were there for me all those cold nights and bright mornings! For fucks sake you loved me when everyone in the world shut me out! And for that I repayed you by fucking leav-"
He pulled me In holdinging me close to his body and smashed his lips onto mine hard.
I froze in place. My mind going blank. Do i kiss back or blush him away? Is it to soon?
He pulled away slowly. "Sorry..I shouldn't have done that.."
He said slowly leting go of my body looking down.
I grabbed his hands and pulled them around my back and brought my hands up to his face cupping his cheeks.
"I'm glad you did.." I muttered smiling as i kissed his soft pale lips.
He smiled in the kiss and kissed me back full of love.
Something I'm not used to with anyone...he makes me happy and full of life..something people stripped away from me..long ago..
I thought I was out of feelings and couldnt love a single thing.. I had feelings for hellboy but..I think that was just a small step to finding julian..
He reached in the the dark and pulled me into the light..
I thank him for that..
I thank him for finding something I didnt even realize I had lost..
And this time to repay him....I'm never leaving his side... after all..this is only the beginning to this love story..
we all make mistakes and once we realize what we have done it's far to late to change it..we live in a world were we think we have to do what everyone else is doing.
Even if you think it's right or wrong. Calling someone a name just makes you feel a type of way you think is good for you.
You think it doesn't effect the way that person lives if you join in. People are fragile and everything one person says has an effect on them. You just dont take the time to see it. You dont take the time to know them personally. 
That's why you have to give people a chance..they might look different then from what you look like. They may be tall,short,skinny,fat..hell even their personality may be different for you. They can like things you hate or hate things you like. That dosnt mean they are different from you all the way.. they are still human beings..
You think all these things and names people give them are ok to do?
You just joining in..and that makes you just like everyone else..
a monster  . . .

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