heart to heart

754 13 2

Abes pov

"How the hell could it be y/n?" yelled hellboy clearly hurt by this image.
"I have no idea. But she was gone for a long time so who knows what she could have done." I said looking at the image again
"What dose that mean fish"
I looked up and seen and inraged hellboy.
I swallowed hard and tried to find the words to say without inraging him more. "What I mean is. She could have been forced to do acts. Like..sign papers or something like that for her protection. Living out there and her being who she is must have had trouble surviving out there...Was she with anyone when you found her?.."
He looked to the side seeming to be In thought
"Actually..yea..she was with someone named julian in midnight-light Forrest.."
I froze..if it was the julian I think hes talking about we are all in deep trouble..
I grabbed his shirt tight and held him there yelling " what did he look like..what did he look like!!"
"Uh...tall..he had a long Cape-"
"Did he have an eye patch!?" I screamed cutting him off
"Yea.." he said
"Fuck! Go get y/n and report to my- you know where to go!"
He nodded out of confusion and walked out.
I ran to the lab and started everything up. I care about y/n as if she were a sister. I would do anything to keep her safe from ways harm. But there is one person that is before her in every situation..that's hellboy.

* * *

Hellboy came in with y/n and both looked genuinely confused.
"Y/n please sit in this chair" I said pointing to the chair with straps. She started walking but hellboy stopped her.
"Why are we doing this?"
Y/n grapped his hand and smiled "it's ok. Its abe. We can trust him."
Hellboy looked at her for a good second before sighing. Letting his hand drop back to his sides.
She sat down And I strapped her in. "Carful with her fish.." hellboy said now crossing his arms
I nodded and grabbed a needle taking g blood from her.
"Ok what were we doing abe" y/n smiled
"Ok this machine here will tell us everything that happened to your body while you were out there...only to see if anything bad had happened. "
"Like and x-ray?" She asked
"Exactly!" I said as u pressed the button to start it. Slowly her skeleton showed on the screen.
"How did my blood show you this?" She asked
"Well your heart pumps blood threw your veins every second. And your veins run the same as your bones." I walked to her and flipped her arm over to show her veins "see. Your veins run along here..if you press a little harder you can feel the outline of your bone that run threw. "
She was confused
"Sorry..to much for your brain to handle at one time. " I looked back at the board and scanned the skeleton seeing nothing wrong till I looked closer and saw a black square.
"Huh...y/n did anything happen while you were out there?.."
"No..I mean I fell a few times but nothing to hurt me to bad"
I nodded and walked to hellboy.
"Let's go out here shall we?"
He nodded and walked out I to the hall way
"We will be back y/n" I said and she nodded. I walked out and closed the door. Hellboy was leaning on the wall staring at me. I walked over and showed him the x-ray.
"See this" I pointed to the square and he nodded
"this isnt right and means something was pushed into her skull by forced and I'm afraid she has no clue how it happened or who did it so..we will have to resort to opening her up and taking it out to get a good look at it and possibly see who did it and if its causing her to be the..villian..in the image.."
He looked at me and growled "abe. You may be like my brother but I do t want you doing that. Somthing could go wrong. I dont wanna lose her again. I just fucking got her back."
I can understand he is scared for her but if this dosnt happen then we might lose her either way.
"Hellboy look, fear gets in the way a lot of times in people's short lives but sometimes we got to go threw fear to get to the things we want or need. In this case..you need y/n..and she needs you just as much."
He sighed and sat down on the ground with his head in his hands.
I put my wrapped hand on his back and knelt down to his level.
"I know you don't wanna say it but. Your scared. Trust me so am I but. I want y/n to be alive and well. Back to her old self. Not this good by day and bad by night y/n ..i know you dont want that either..so hellboy.."
"Abe.i trust you but I dont wanna trust you with the person I love..okay?"
"You trusted me with your dad's why not hers. You love your dad dont you."
He just sighed. "Fine." He began and stand up
"but you do anything to hurt her or anything to end her life. I wont think twice to fucking end yours..got it?"
I nodded and he walked in unhooking y/n.
"Hun you gotta go threw surgery."
He said. Fear struck on y/ns face.
I nodded "yes..only because we found somthing wrong wi-"
"Ok ok..I dont wanna know or else I know ill try and stop it...tell me what's wrong after your done.
I nodded respectfully
She looked at hellboy and whispered him his ear. And smiled. He smiled to but it was forced..
She sat down on the bed and hellboy went out of the room.
"Ok doctor abe. Go ahead..." she said with a slight smile but fear still stuck on her face.
I put my mask on then grabbed my shot full of anesthesia. I grabbed her arm and stuck it in her vein.
"Alright y/n stay calm..this will only take an hour or two.." I mumbled as her eyes slowly fluttered closed and her body went limp.
I grabbed my working stool full of medical supplies and started working at her head.

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