alone again

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Y/ns pov

As the light faded from me I was slowly absorbed Into darkness. Was I dead? abe gunna mess something up? I opened my eyes and found my self in a dark forest. The inky light being shows was the light from the moon.
Looking around I found a dirt path with beautiful red flowers.  I saw  another path with blue flowers and started walking to it. When I was about to step on the path a little voice took me to stop. I took a step back and looked over at the other path. Confused I walked to that. No voice told me to stop so I kept walking. The red flowers shine in the moon my way to a nice lake with a willow tree and a wood swing. As I got closer I spotted a young man next to the tree.
He looked back and shock was plastered on his face.
It was him..but in a younger form..he had the patch but everything about him was younger..hell he even looked healthier
He got up and ran to me hugging me tight.
"Y/n I missed you so damn much!!" He yelled.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around him tight.
He let go and stared at me.
I smiled slightly
He looked down
"What's wrong.." I asked
He looked back up with tears in his eyes "I just missed you so fucking much" he said as he fell to his knees hugging me tighter and sobbed softly.
I ran my hand in his long curly hair and smiled. "I missed you too julian.."
We stayed like that for a good minute till he got up whipping tears wrong his eyes.
He walked to the swing and looked at me with a smile.
I got the hint and hopped on the swing.
He started to push me gently.
The rope holding me creaked ever so slightly with every push.
The wind blowing my hair as I went up and down.
My reflection in the water looked back up at me smiling.
The birds flew from tree to tree chirping ever so softly.
"So what are you doing here" he asked pushing slightly
"Well I'm going under surgery and ended up here."
"For what may I ask?"
"I have no idea. Abe was gunna tell me but I told him not to because I knew if he told me I wouldn't let him..and usually when abe says someone needs surgery its bad" I said
"Who's abe?" He asked
"Well hes a mutant fish I think. Hes my friend"
"Oh"he said giving me a push again
"Well do you know where you are?" He asked
Now that I thought about it I have no idea. I just went to sleep then awoke in a place like this.."well julian I have. I you?"
He sighed and slowly stopped pushing me. "Come with me y/n.."he muttered walking away.
I hopped off the swing and walked after him.
When I caught up to him he looked down at me and sighed.
"Your on the outside.."
Looking around I giggled "yea obviously "
"No y/n..the outside of life.."
I stopped and so did he " to explain?.."
"Well. You know when you first came here?" He began
I nodded
"You chose the path with red flowers. This is the path were you go when your on the verge of death..your soul is alive but your body is slowly shutting down. "
I went wide eyed and he noticed
"Dont worry your not dead. If you went threw the path with blue flowers that's basically walking to your Ever lasting slumber.."
I sat down "ok are you here.. "
He sat next to me. "A..creature..took my body and threw my soul me I'm just as confused as you..but y/n when you wake up..and if I ever come here you. Look I to my eyes. If they are different..fight..if you cant fight.." he grabbed my arms and held me close to his face.
"" he said with a shaky voice as he stared into my eyes.
He cares about me so much and in all scares me..its like he knows so much more about me then I do..and the simple fact that I'm standing right here with him in this dream-like world..makes me want to jump and hug him and never let go..but..scream and run at the same time..
Looking down at him feet my thoughts clouded my mind and completely drowned him out. For once in my life I feel as if sadness was nothing..and this feeling I have right this moment...was deeper...there is no word to describe it..more then sadness..more then depressed.. just more..
I just want to curl up in a ball and never face life again..then again that mean I'll never see hellboy i really love him?..dose he really love me? Hell he left me to die when a simple image was leaked thag clearly showed the work of a computer all over it. My face wasn't even put on the body right.
Yet he believed it..its like he always finds ways to be mad..then says he sorry over and over till he cant breath..
I closed my eyes and let out a shaky sigh. The tears were forming but I didnt dare let them fall. I clenched my teeth tight and held them back with a struggle.
The only comfort I had was julian's hands holding tightly onto my arms. Which I got to say hurt fairly bad..he was gripping them so tight u though he was going to rip them off with ease..
I looked up and saw julian's face inches from mine
"Its time to go.."
I sighed as I heard my name being called. I hugged him tight and let a single tear fall.
"Will...will I see you again..?"
He held me tight "I dont know..and if so I hope not for a long time.."
We let go and looked at eachother one last time.
"Till next time?..." I asked
He forcefully smiled and nodded "till next time y/n.."
With that..I slowly fell out of his world..watching that smile on his face form Into the saddest frown I saw ever..

"I'll wait for you y/n...I promise"

*                                *                               *
My eyes fluttered open to reveal a bright white room. I winced a bit and rubbed my eyes.
"Guys shes awake!" Yelled a female voice."y/n!"
I looked over and saw jade with a bug smile.
"Hi jade.." I said weakly
"Y/n how do you feel?.."
I sat up and a strike of pain hit the back of my head. I groan and slowly reached behind my head
"Ah ah ah. Dont do that y/n.."
Looking up I see abe holding my arm.
"Why dose my head hurt?.." I asked
"Well" he said walking over to his counter grabbing a jar. "This was him your skull.
I grabbed it and saw a black chip. "What's this for?" I asked
"Well I think it's for controlling you. Someone or something stuck this in your head without you noticing and missed."
I nodded and looked at it again. "Wait were hellboy?" I asked
"Mhm hang on" jade said as she walked out of the room.
For a few seconds there was silence then lound stomps and the door flying open.There stood a heavy breathing hellboy.
I smiled as he walked closer
"Are you..ok?" He asked standing some ways away from me
"Yes I'm fine..soar but fine.."
He walked closer and laid his hand on my hand gently like I was glass.
"I was so scared.." he said rubbing my hand with his thumb
I smiled "I was to.." looking up I put my hand on his cheek.
He rested his hand on mine and melting into it.
Slowly I closed my eyes and leaned in and he did the same till our lips met.
We pulled away after a few seconds the hugged eachother.
"I love you..Truly I do.." I mumbled
"I love you too..y/n.."
I smiled into his shoulder and closed my eyes once more. Melting into his touch.
Then the ground started to rumble and a loud sound erupted all around us.
I pulled away and saw confusion on everyone's face.
"Outside" ave called as everyone ran to the doors opening them wide. Only to see a large creature in front of us devouring a building that held meny people.
Above the creature stood two beings... controlling its every move..

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