jealousy to a new meaning

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Julian's pov

I make my way from my cabin and down the slick dark trail that led to a road after a few miles.
My head was clouded with so meny thoughts that I had trouble focusing. Most of the thoughts in my mind were of y/n but some where of hellboy. I knew that he would come for her sooner or later..yet I didnt wanna believe it. I wanted her for myself and didnt care about anything..I was so selfish..only caring about what I wanted. I never cared to ask what she wanted. Insted everytime I felt him nearing closer I moved her farther away. I wish I could say sorry and let go but I know I cant. I want to be with her...I want her to be mine..I want to make her so damn happy.. I wanna marry her one day. Have beautiful kids..but then again. She dosing want that..with me anyway.
"She could have~" a female voice said
I spun around looking for the owner of the voice.
"Hello!?" I yelled but nothing answered. I stepped back looking around.
"Hey who's out there!" I yelled but again no answer. I was getting pissed and losing patience as I had somewhere to be.
"Show yourself coward!"I  Yelled into the darkness. As I did I'd that I heard a faint growl and two blood red eyes shine from the darkness.
I gasped and started to run down the path.
Behind me I heard the steps on the being right behind me. It growled and huffed with ever step it took.
I groaned and pushed my legs to run faster jumping over a log I grab hold of a vine and pull it that bring down a whole pile of sticks. They all piled on the being as it let out a very high screech. I let out a breathy chuckle as I continued to run fast not taking any chances.
The forest that I was in was starting to get patchy as I seen I was nearing the road. I smiled softly as I scowled to a jog trying to catch my breath.
Just as I bent down to rest my hands on my knees I felt to hands grip my arms and push my down. Then feet on my back.
"Hey!" I yelled wiggling to try and get free but to no avail.
"Let me go you fucking ass-" a hand wrapped around my mouth and the other grabbed my hair. They pulled me up and tied me to a tree.
They climbed Into a tree letting out a sick laugh as the did weird movements in the tree staring at me.
"Who the hell are you!" I yelled
They froze and just looked at me. Then letting out a laugh they jumped from the tree and crawled on all fours to me. They had black matted hair and there skin was grey with weird gold markings all over them.
"Me me me me hmm what my nameee" they said as they looked up at me.
They gasped loudly and cupped my face.
"Meeee zicky!!" They said happily. They left my face and started to dance around.
Till I yelled "I am saying this for the last time.  LET.ME.THE FUCK...GO!!!"
they frowned and crawled to me on all fours.
"Let go?" They started. "NO!!" they yelled and then I saw darkness

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