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I looked down at them and sighed smirking softly. "So you got first class experience of a fight. Monster against monster..." I saw the h/c haired girl stiffen 'she must be scared..' I thought "IT WAS AMAZING!!" Said the brown haired girl holder her arm. I chuckled and looked twardes the other girl for a response. "It...was cool..." She mumbled. 'cute...' I thought. "Glad you guys think so. The others where little scared kittens" I said rolling my eyes. I spotted a box in the middle of the room. I'm guessing the other one did to. She walked to it and picked it up. "awe Jade come look kitten!" She squealed I rushed over along with the other girl named Jade. Picking one up I pet it softly. " hell boy...hell boys the name. What are your names?" I said never looking up from the kitten. "Well I'm jade." Said one. Then nothing. I looked up and found the other girl getting the kittens humming. Clearing my throat she looked up at me making me catch her soft e/c eyes. The world around us seem to go black. Only us. She stared into mine like she was in a state of thought. Then she blinked causing the dark void around us to go back to the bright train Station. "I-im Y/n..." I heard her say. "Nice name." I mumble. she smiled a little making me smile. "HELL BOY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!" I looked over to find the annoying bastered. I groan. "My job" I said bluntly. He huffed and spotted the girls. He gasped and rushed to them. I step in front if them. "Don't go near them.." I growl. He mumbled something but I didn't care. "Then they have to come with us..." He said ruffling his hair in annoyance. I wanted to smile to big right then but remaind calm. "Ok" I looked back at them and motioned them to come. Jade was all in she marched up to Mr.jackass and started walking. Y/n was sorta hesatin to come. I walked to her and went next to her. "You'll be alright kiddo." I said she nodded lightlty. (Your 19 years old Jade is 19 your older) we stared walking side by side. "you must be scared of everything that's happened today...huh?" I asked looking at her. "yeah... First the museum then this..." I nodded "you see the black truck pull in the meuseum?" She nodded "that was me and my team. She looked shocked "you fight things that want to hurt us for a living?" She said "well.. someone has to. When your military isn't strong enough against the 'monsters' that's when we go out and do what we need to do." I said "kill them?" I nodded "most of the time." It went quite "w...where is the rest of your team?" I pulled out a cigar and lit it up taking a big puff. "Abe is probably in the truck on his way home like us and Liz is probably having a make out session with Agent miles" I rolled my eyes. Liz left me for him after only a week of dating. I sighed and felt a small hand on my arm. Looking down I see y/NS small hand on my arm. I stopped walking in the sewer tunnel and so did she. My heart stared to beat fast as we locked eyes again. 'she has pretty eyes....' I thought. She blushed and looked away I looked at her. "Let's catch up with yeah others." She nodded and started to jog up to them. I sighed and watched her taking another puff. "God what is this feeling..." I mumbled and speed walked to them.

-time skip-


Hell boy opened the doors for us and walked in. The house was huge so many rooms for so many purposes. Hell boy walked to another part of the house leaving us in the main room to wait. I sit on the floor and Jade walked around the big room looking at things. I thought back to the sewer and me and hell boy. I haven't talked to anyone like that in years. Not even Jade.. his eyes are so beautiful to me. Just the right shade of yellowish orange. he talks to me like I'm a normal human...but I geuss that because he doesn't know what I am..yet. "y/n. " I looked back and seen hell boy and an young man. "Come meet the others"

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