it has begun

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Agents walk around the base sighlently as a certain creater watched there every monvment threw the vent. 'what fools' he thought as he wandered threw the vents spying on every one. He turnt the corner and heard voices. Looking down threw the vent he seen a blue fish talking with a human "how do you think hellboy and Jade are doing?" The fish put something down and faced the young adult. "In sure there fine Jade hell boy just needed time to think. I'm sure your friend will help him out alot and they will be back soon." He said smiling the best he could. The creater growled softly in annoyance. 'miss wont be pleased with this ' he thought and crawled quickly but quietly threw the vents to the opening kicking it open he rushs out an jumps the gate to running past people bumping into some now and then. The building near so close to him now just abfew more-"Mister .." he stopped and looked for the voice. He felt a slight tug at his cloths. Looking down he seen a girl. Brown hair in pig tails with big round brown eyes with a pink dress stared up at him holding a stuffed doll. "Mister......I can't find my mommy....can you help me?" The creater was hesatint looking at the building and the girl. Sighing he picked the girl up and rushed her to the police stations doors. "K-k-knock" he spoke and bolted away behind a corner watching the child as she knocked. The police opened and questioned her before bringer her Inside. He sighed and ran to the building and rushing into an yellow protal corrupted with black streaks. "Ah my child what seems to he wrong?" Said a female in front of him. He gasped and looked at her ."humans have arrived at the base" her light ocean blue eyes sparkled in the dark light as she smirked. "let's start plan A then~" she said as she spun around walking into a dark cave. Her cloak swaying behind her as the man followed close behind her. "What all was happening child" she asked walking down the dark spiral staircase. "Abe and a girl named Jade were speaking of hell boy and a girl named y/n."  He said rushing down the stairs behind her. "Y/n?" She questioned as she reached the bottom of the stairs and walked to her magic room. Body's were frozen in tubes left and right with name tags on each tube. Above where black and red or black and blue or black and yellow or just yellow bird/dragons held in dark rusty cages hanging from the ceiling. Straight ahead was a map layout on a stone table along with a knife and candle. Vinss hung from above and water drips every now and then. A pond is right under the stairs that lead to the map. They went up the steps and looked at the map studying it. "Y/n has come to visit us once more~?" He looked at her "again?" She pressed her finger to his mask lips. "JIM SHH!" she let go and patted his head. "we must start our plan before they catch up on it.." with that she walked to the test tube and smiled up at it. "ah my dear sister we shall meet again soon..for now"


I walked inside the house with y/n's sleeping form in my arms. I kick the door closed softly And walked to her room. "Hell boy were on Earth have you been? Where's y/n?" I turn to face Abe and motioned him to look down. "oh" he nodded "talk to me after" he walked on most likely to uang out with Jade. Making it to her room I walked in and shut the door. I put her down on the bed gently and run my hand threw her hair. Smiling I let go and go to walk out "don't leave.." I looked back and seen y/n she had ahold of my cloak looking up at me. I sigh and sit on the bed kicking my shoes off and taking my cloak off. I crawled up to her and lays beside her. She rolled over to face me and snuggled up to me. I wrap my arms around her form. She smiled and looked up at me. She lent up and kissed my cheek softly. I held her tightly. She giggled and fell asleep to me playing with her hair. My tail wrapped around her leg the tip brushing her thigh. Her back arched and she pressed into me. I smirked and stopped before I couldn't. Laying down I closed my eyes and started to sleep with y/n hugging me tightly

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