the truth

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Hell boys POV

"THEY...DID...WHAT!?" I yelled making Jade and Abe jump. "Liz and Miles set y/n up!" Jade said looking me in the eye."I was so mean so her!..." I said letting my hand run threw my hair. "Where did she go?" I asked looking at them for answers. They looked at eachother "we...don't know.." groaning I walk past them and out the door. I could hear there confused comments while I was half way down the hall.  Stoping at a door I knock and wait. "JUST A MINUTE!" I groan and fold my arms. Click the door swung open and there stood Liz in shorts and a tang-top. The smell of sex lingered in the air. 'gross..' I thought as a stared down at her. "Why are you here" I growled "you know why I'm here Liz" she looked away "I don't know what your talking about." She said closing the door. Stoping it with my hand I use my other to pick her up by the collar of her shirt. "I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU AND MILES DID LIZ!" She screamed causing miles to run over who was just in boxers. That where hurried on. "PUT HER DOWN" he yelled I glared "why did you two do this!?" "I-I-I DONT KNOW!" growling once more I throw her in the room and lock the door. "ABE! JADE! GET OVER HERE!" they came down the hallway and stoped right next to me "what's wrong?" Abe asked "watch this door. Don't let them come out." They nodded. I gotta find y/n...

Y/ns POV

Tap tap tap I awoke to a light sprinkle of rain and soft thunder. The memories of last night fake flooding in and I sighed standing up. Walking over to the river I found I knelt down and splashed my face. I had bag under my eyes and tear marks down my cheeks. "Did I cry myself ALSEEP?" I asked myself standing back up and walking to where I slept. Siting down i hug my knees. Did he really think I would do that? Dose he even care about me? Dose he hate me? Do i still got a place to live?...  Snap.. oh no..

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