ment to be?

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Julians pov

"You did enough.."
When y/n mumbled those words I slowly stood up straight.
She rushed over to the red being and pet his hair tucking lose strands behind his ear.
"Y/n.." he mumbled
"Shh. Just...just dont talk.."
I could tell she was hurt but didnt wanna say anything. I didnt know if it was because i was here or him or she wanted to seem strong. So i kept quiet.
Watching her sooth him made my blood boil and my muscles tense.
"Y/n what I the hell are you-"
"julian shut the fuck up right now"she said while her voice shook.
I opened my mouth to speak and her head whipped around and glared at me.
"Shut. The fuck. Up" she said three gritted teeth
I closed me mouth and held my hands behind my back politely.
She faced the being again and she pet his hair once more.
He groaned and slowly brought his hand up.
She took his hand and placed it on her cheek.
"Y/n..I'm sorry.." he mumbled while looking away and at the ground.
She kept quiet and just looked at his free hand resting on his stomach.
I looked away and sigh softly. Turning around I start to walk along the wooden path. Thinking to my self. Talking to myself. Only the trees and animals could listen. That's the one thing in this world that just listened..had nothing to say about it .didn't make fun of you for speaking about it. Anything you would say they wouldn't speak back. That's why the forest was a good place to clear your mind..especially when your about to lose the love of your damn life..

Hellboys POV

"Is he gone"
"What.." I said not looking up
"Is julian gone" she mumbled
I looked over and saw nothing taking it as a yes
"Hes gone. Why?"
She kept quiet then I felt wetness on my stone hand. Looking up slowly I noticed she was crying.
She suddenly wrapped me in a tight hug. It surprised me and I just started off Into the woods. Dose this mean she still loves me? After all the damn things iv done? Dose she forgive me?..
I was busy in thought i didn't even notice she was talking.
"I'm sorry," she said "I'm sorry you think I'm a whore..I'm sorry I'm not good enough..I'm sorry you ever fucking met me..I'm sorry...I'm so sorry...I'm so fucking-"
I placed my hand under her chin and lifted it up slowly.
She looked at me threw her tears.
"Never be sorry..for things you didn't do.."
"B-but you saw the photo-"
I stopped her with my finger
"Did you do it."
"Do what.." she asked
"Posy nude images of yourself"
"No..I would Nev-"
"Then you have nothing to be sorry for..." I said brushing her hair back and whipping her tears away.
"If anything.." I started "I shouldbe sorry for the way I treated you. "
She looked down as more tears left her beautiful e/c eyes.
"I sould have never done what I did. But I understand I can't take words or actions back..and I understand I can't get a do-over..who would want a do-over with a monster anyway" I said looking away still playing with her hair.
" know what hurt the most out of ever thing during that situation.."
I looked at her again "what"
"The fact you practically told me you didn't want me or my love.."
She held my hand that was resting on her cheek.
"That day," she sobbed " I felt like my whole world fell not loving me made my heart ache..."
"Hellboy.." she said looking up at me eyes full if sadness
"Did you ever like me"
I stared Into her bright orbs I opened my mouth to speak but no words found there way out.
She smiled softly and looked down.
"I got my answer.."she mumbled threw voice cracks. 
Getting up she started to walk away.

Y/ns POV

My heart hurt once more. I thought he came to get me back but I guess not. He came to tell me to stay here and never come back..
Tears were running down. My cheeks as I bit my lip.
A sudden weight appeared on my hand and I was jerked back.
Looking up I see hellboy starring down at me. Eyes full of pain. His tail was slowly wrapping around my leg.
He smiled softly and held my hand up to his lips kissing it softly. His older hand resting on my lower back.
I froze
"I don't want you"
He rubbed my hand softly
"I fucking need you"
He squeezed my hand
"The day you left I wanted to chase you down and tell you how I felt.."
I looked up at him
"Why didn't you.."
He scoffed and averted his gaze from my hand to my eyes.
"I couldn't find the confidence to do so.."
I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off
"I know, Someone like me needing confidence to tell someone simple words doesn't seem real...but..seeing how that girl is you I had to work hard and figure out the right words to say.."
He sighed and brought me closer to his chest hugging me tight.
"And those words are.."
He chuckled softly and lifted me up above him.
"I love you with all my damn heart..those days I spent without you and looking for you where the hardest..I need you in my my girlfriend..."

My Favorite Color Is Red..(hellboyxreader)Where stories live. Discover now