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Y/ns POV

Walking down the newly formed path made by Julian. After hours of walking we started to talk. He was alone out here because he was accused of a death. And he has a sister back at home. He never sees her though. He knows his way across the world and is an alcoholic. He wears an eye patch because of something that happened to him during a day of work. He was a doctor and one of his patients died due to somthing unknown. Well that's what Julian said. He is a time traveler from old times and yet his case was unsloved and still in the works. He killed someone vary important... I was lost in thought that I didn't see Julian stopped till I stepped off yet another Cliff. Julian grabbed my shirt and I screamed. My eyes where squeezed shut and i didn't dare move. I felt him move and I was in the ground. "Its ok to open your eyes y/n." I looked up at him and seen worry in his eyes. "Are you alright" I nodded still a little scared. I felt him sit down next to me. His feet dangled over the edge. He sighed gently and looked out across the land. "It's nice out here.." he mumbled "yeah it is...but doesn't it het lonley?.." he looked at me "yeah but iv gotten use to it. I did have a friend.. but she...left.." he looked down at his feet and close his eye. I put my hand on his back and rubbed it slightly. He tensed up but slowly melted into it. "What was her name.." he didn't look at me "it...don't matter...but her name was j-" CRASH we looked back and seen a tree coming at us i gasp and stand up. Julian stood up and grabbed me. He grabbed somthing from in his cloak and shot out into the land and it hooked into a tree. His gripp on my waist was tight. I held onto him and we jumped backwards. Just before we went i seen a figure in all black. We swung backwards and I watched the tree fly off the cliff and fall far down the cliff smashing into a million pieces. Julian let go of me and i landed on the soft leaves as he went face first into a tree. I gasp and ran to him. "Julian!?" He looked at me with a bloody nose. "Hey y/n...s?..." I rolled my eyes and dragged him into a cave for him to rest. I groan and put him on the ground. He was fast asleep. I joined in not to long after.

Hellboys POV

The further I walked the more guilty I felt. I wish I believed y/n....the woman i love. Not the bitch that left me foe another guy. I dropped my bag and sat by the river. My head in my hands. "Y/n i miss you so fucking much.." tears started to bubble in my eyes and I tried to hold them back. "Y/n would want me to cry."  My tears started to roll down my cheeks and I put my hand over my mouth. Never in my time of life did I think i could fall for a girl like her. And i messed it up..I crouched over and just cried into the ground. I feel something poke my fist. I look down and see something shiny. Picking it up I see it's y/ns bracelet. "She was here..." I stood up and and grabbed my bag. I ran my thumb over it and blood went all over it. It took a few moments till words started to form. I smiled wide. "Left" I ran as fast as I could as it told me to go the ways it said. I'm coming y/n..I'm so close.

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