lonley nights

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Julian's POV

We have been walking around these woods for hours. But it felt like years. I could see y/n was getting tired but didn't want say anything. Walking in front of her i knelt down. "Julian what are you doing.." she asked "get on"  she was hesitant but got on my back anyway. Once she was on and holding on I stood up. I could feel my cloak around her body as she snuggled closer into my back. I held her legs so she would fall and stared moving. The night was warm. The fire flys flew around and lit up the way. I could feel y/ns breathing go slow and her head nuzzled my neck. I smile softly and layed her down. Laying next to her I watch the Stares dance around the moon. Y/ns arm wrapped around me and cuddled into my side. I blushed and held her close. ..I could get used to this....

*To be continued*

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