Part 1 : Where it all started

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It was late.

Stella couldn't feel her legs, she was scared.

Somehow she'd always manage to let herself be manipulated by Grant. Even after their divorce.

The car he was driving rolled over, and it was now stuck on the roof. She could hear the sirens of the ambulance but also the firefighters. She wasn't aware of everything, but she knew Grant was not responding.

"Hang in there, we're going to get you out" said a voice, that somehow kept her calm.

She heard the paramedics checking Grant, then felt them putting a C-collar on her. Everything was blurry but she was so thankful for them saving her, she saw the firefighter that previously told her he was going to get her out of there.

She couldn't see much details about his face, but she managed to say "thank you", before passing out.

From that point on she knew, Grant was nothing beneficial for her and if she wanted to stay clean and make something out of her life she had to leave him. And she was ready, she decided she would train to become a firefighter because it felt like it was meant to be.

The firefighters and paramedics were heading back to the firehouse.It was not that bad of a call, They were happy they were able to help.

"Hey Severide! How did the call go" Chief Boden asked.

"Great actually, we were able to pull them out of the car! Dawson and Brett said none of them had life threatening injuries so!" He informed the chief.

"Well I'm glad to hear that"

A week went by, Stella felt some type of way leaving Grant behind but it was for her best. She started looking at apartments, and was lucky to find one. Small but it was all she needed to start this new chapter in her life. Meanwhile lieutenant Severide had this woman he saved on his mind.

"Psst, Gabby!" He said peeking his head out of his quarter.

"Yes, you need me" she asked.

"Do you know anything about that woman we saved last week, in the car accident?"

"No, i think she already got discharged. Like i told you she didn't have anything life threatening, why?" She was curious.

"Well, no. I just...I keep thinking aboit the way she told me thank you"

"She was scared, it's normal she thanked you Kelly!" she assured him.

"Yeah but still".

The small talk he had with Dawson sure didn't change the way he felt. But it was part of his job, you cared for someone one minute and the next it's like you never even met them.

Stella first got certified as an EMT, and she then proceeded to the firefighter training. She was so happy about everything, everything was going smoothly. It was the day, she would either pass or fail and have to try again. But if she knew something is that she was capable of this and more. She got ready and on her way to join all the others she bumped into someone.

"Sorry!" She said in a hurry to leave.

But that person wasn't ready to let her go quite yet.

"It's you! I don't know if..if you remember I was the lieutenant who pulled you out of the car" he smiled.

She knew she couldn't remember the face of the person who saved her but his voice...was the same voice she heard that night.

She hesitated "thanks again".

"It's my job, glad you got out without major injuries! And you are training to be a firefighter, how?" He was curious.

"I'm sorry I have to go"

And she left.

Her name. He didn't even ask,but he got to see her again. And he was happy. He looked at her walking away, and as he did her thank you was still replaying in his head.

This is quite short but got to start somewhere.
Promise the following chapter will be longer

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