Part 28 : Back to work

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Severide first away from Olivia was hard on both Stella and Olivia.

She had been moody, crying and not wanting to eat. Stella wanted only one thing and it was to get Severide and end this. She was only one but yet she managed to play both her parents.

The 24 hours shift seemed so long, yet Stella was used to it. But knowing it was her time next shift to go back, she didn't know how their daughter would react.
It was time to go get Severide and Olivia was happy. They left and in no time they were in the firehouse. They went in as they saw not one truck was there. They went to Severide quarters and waited here.

After a while everyone was back, and when Stella heard the noise she immediately went.

"Ohhh look whose here!" Mouch said as he got off the truck.

"Hi Olivia!" Otis said smiling from hear to hear and waving at the baby.

"You didn't see me here Otis?" Stella said jokingly.

"Please, i only see one princess here!" He said, he got rid of his turnout gear and then took Olivia from Stella.

"No go ahead, don't ask it's totally fine" she made a face and just followed Otis as he was going to Severide.

He played with her while walking to Severide. Olivia loved Otis a lot and it's like she sensed that he was getting her to her dad.

"Dada!" She said happy to see Severide.

"Hi baby!" He said himself really happy "hi my love! Come to dada, who is the most beautiful baby girl ever" he was making his baby voice.

"Oh my god Severide man up!" Otis said looking at Kelly making a face.

"Otis shut up!"

He then left with Olivia in his arms still with his gear pants. He saw Stella and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, then grabbed her hand, while carrying Olivia in his other arm.

He had some paperwork to do, so Stella just decided to wait there for him to finish. And it seemed like Olivia didn't know her mom since she was watching her dad's every move. Severide was holding her and she wasn't complaining. So Stella sat on the bed and watch the two, how beautiful they were.

It was still the morning and Olivia was getting tired. So she started crying, and now all she wanted was her mommy. Stella took her and she grabbed her shirt tightly like her life depended on it.

"I love when she does that!" Severide stated, watching both his wife and daughter.

"Yeah she loves to do that a lot lately, like I'm going to leave or something!"

"That's because she doesn't want you to leave! Plus she love sleeping like this laid on your chest"

"Don't I know it! But it breaks my heart, I'm going to have to leave her next shift and I can't stand it" she said frustrated.

"Well we're firefighters babe, at some point we had to go back to the job" he told her even if he was feeling the same way. "This first day was really hard for me too"

"Yeah but I don't know, seeing how she was when you left. Can you imagine how she'll be when she won't see neither of us! Plus you are spoiling her and she knows that"

"Me?" He made a face "you are tripping!"

"No I'm not! You know I'm right about this" she said while she was caressing Olivia head full of her little black hair.

She had quite some length and curls just like her mom. Kelly and Stella kept talking a little until Kelly finished filling his report. He then left it on Boden's desk and they finally went home.

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