Part 5:

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Part 5 :

Molly's was full tonight, it was only a couple of weeks after its opening and it was definitely a success.

Everyone was there, having fun, talking and of course drinking. Some a little too much.

"Dawson you know i love you right?" Asked Severide, making a baby face "you are my best friend!"

"Okay now, i love you too! Don't you think you've had enough to drink?"

"Nope!" you could really see he was drunk. "Matter of fact! Herrmann" he screamed "another one"

But Herrmann knew what was up and didn't bring anything. They had to get him out of Molly's.

"If you want I can take him, I finally managed to have a car" proposed Stella. That was the least she could, she was still super thankful for what he had done and she wasn't about to let him drive like this.

"Alright let's go Severide!" She took his arm.

"Me and you? Where?" He was confused.

"Home" she said.

"Oh I like the sound of that!" He smiled, and put one of his arm around her shoulder. Gabby explained the way to Severide's house to Stella, and she told to call if she ever got lost.

But Stella was born navigator, and she found the house right away.

"Here you are, safe and sound" she closed the door behind her. He was still arm around her shoulder so he wouldn't fall.

"Thank you"

"Okay now will you find your bed by yourself, is it okay if i leave?" She asked still holding him, waiting to see what he wanted.

"Uh no I want you to stay" he then stood in front of her and said "please stay with me".

He sounded like a baby, it was funny to her. To think that this big guy, this player was now acting like a baby. She agreed to stay, but she would leave as soon as he would fall asleep. And she knew he would fall asleep pretty fast being this drunk.
Stella later went back home, she knew Severide was tucked in and sleeping. But she left a note so he wouldn't be confused when he woke up.

Kelly woke up the next morning with an headache, he was used to this. But suprised this time he didn't have any woman with him. He made himself some coffee when he finally saw a note on his kitchen table.

And it read :

"Leaving this note so you don't make up stories in your head on how you got to your place. Me, the good Stella dropped you off. You were really drunk so I let you sleep, thats the least I could do"

He smiled, it's almost like he could read it in her voice. There were something special about this girl, he just couldn't put his fingers on it quite yet. He took his keys, went by Molly's to get his car and he went to Stella's house.

He knocked.

Stella was surprised to see him standing on her porch.

"Hey!" And before she could say anything else, he let himself in. "Well come in then" she then closed the door.

She waited for him to say something, she was still wondering why he was here "so shouldn't you still be sleeping, you had a lot to drink last night!"

"No i'm good! I'm used to the hungover, but I just wanted to come and say thank you personally!"

"For what? Getting you back home safe, there was no need to do that. You guys have been treating me the best way since the beginning, helping me and saving me. It's nothing" she smiled, and then asked "you want some coffee?"

"Sure! Thanks"

She then made coffee for the both of them. And they sat on the sofa, and they talked.

"You know I was confused for a moment until I saw your note! I was thinking that for once the woman I went back home with left me" he laughed then thought to himself that being a player was probably not something to brag about.

"Oh that's exactly why I left the note, so you knew how you got home" she said "and please that drunk not even a cat would have wanted to go back home with you"

"So you got jokes I see!"

"Always! Plus I saw you in action already, still wonder how those poor women fall in your trap that easy" she then drank a sip of coffee.

"What can I say" he laughed.

They then kept talking, Kelly talked to Stella a little about his dad and how much he loved his mom. That he wouldn't be like that if it wasn't for her, and then out of curiosity he asked.

"You told us before, you grew up in an orphanage"

"Yes! And then foster care, but" she let out a sigh "life in foster care, or being bounced from house to house isn't the best life someone can wish for"

Kelly didn't want to interrupt so he just listened.

"Out of every single foster parents I had, there were this woman. Such a nice soul, always so nice to me. She used to care for me and three other girls, unfortunately she died. But thanks to her I think I was able to support the other houses I went to before I decided it was enough"

"Did they do bad things to you in foster care or in those home they had you in?" He didn't know how all that worked so he asked.

"Most of the time, the people had kids. They could be mean to you. Or your foster parents wouldn't treat you right! You were just a paycheck to them, then" and she paused, started stirring her spoon in her almost cold coffee "either your foster dad or foster brother would" she stopped again.

And Severide noticed tears.

She then lifted her head up, and continued "they would try to take advantage of you , rape you. I got touched in all the wrong places and"

"Hey" he held her chin and then wiped her tears "it's okay, no need to tell me more. It's amazing to see how great of a person you are, you have a great heart! Come here" he opened his arms and she immediately went in.

His hug felt good. His grip was tight, it felt comforting.

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