Part 21

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"No! Get out Kelly, if you think this attitude is normal don't bother coming back to me and your baby" she was holding back her tears.

Kelly didn't bother to say anything and he left. Stella was angry, and sad at the same. How could he be so careless after what she told him.

After what had just happened Stella needed something to think. How was she going to help him, she was four months pregnant. Her little belly was starting to poke out, and her only care was her baby at the moment.

But yet she had to care for Severide. She couldn't let him down.

She took her keys and went to the beach. She sat and listened to the waves, then she had an idea.
Stella was now in front of the firehouse, she was about to talk to whoever she needed to. Sometimes Severide could be stubborn, and maybe Chief Boden could be the only one getting through to him.

"Come in" the Chief said as he heard a knock on the door.

"Hi Chief can I have a word with you?" She asked as she came in.

"Stella!" He smiled "Sure sure come in, close the door and sit! What can I do for you"

She sat and took a deep breath then said "I want to talk to you about Kelly!"

"Oh oh" Chief said worried, if Stella was there it was for a strong reason.

"I need to have one last conversation with him to see if he would consider some stuff but I might need your help Chief. I know he respects you a lot."

"Yes but what is it Stella?" The Chief wasn't understanding.

"Kelly hurt his shoulder a while back on a call, it was fine but when we had that accident it somehow made it worst. He is not going to get it checked and he keeps taking a bunch of pain killers. I just..I"

The Chief stopped her and said "you shouldn't be dealing with this while pregnant, i'll talk to him"

"Thank you, and sorry for coming to you but I thought you would be the right person for this"

"There's no need to explain yourself, i'll see what I can do. But in the meantime don't stress yourself about it" he smiled.

She then left the Chief office, she wasn't going to stay long. She didn't want to see Severide but she did go to say hi to everyone.

"Hey Kidd!" Herrmann said super happy "are you feeling better?" He then asked.

"Yes a little, i just wanted to see you guys. And say hi, I'll probably be back next shift" she informed them.

Gabby and Brett then walked in, they were back from a call along with squad.

Brett gave a hug to Stella, and Gabby rubbed her arm. Then she took a closer look at Stella.

"Are you okay you look a little lale?" Gabby asked a little worried.

Stella took a little while then said "uh yes!"

After Stella greeted everyone, she was on her way out. She walked next to all the trucks, meanwhile Severide was getting out of Squad.

"Stella!" He screamed to get her attention and ran after her.

Once he got to her, he grabbed her arm and then said.

"Can we talk please?"

"You are on shift! So no!" She tried to make him let go of her arm but he just wouldn't let her go.

"Please Stella, just a few minutes! I promise I won't take long. Before I left I didn't get time to explain anything" he said a little sad.

"I don't want to listen to you right now" she was still trying to get out of his grip.

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