Part 11

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"Damn it" he said "i'm coming" he got up, put his shirt on and went to open the door.

Stella got up quickly and put her clothes back on. She was ready for Severide but unfortunately someone had to interrupt their moment.

"Capp! What the hell are you doing here?" He asked surprised.

"Well came to get you, we're going clubbing. Thought it the number one player should be a part of tonight! Come on don't tell me you don't want to loose your mind in some ass and boobs. You love that" he laughed and tried to get in.

Of course Stella was hearing every bit of the conversation. And what she managed to forget, came right back and hit her deep. Was she making a mistake?

"No I'm going to pass Capp. You go and have fun" he quickly closed the door.

He saw Stella standing in the middle of the living room, with her thumb in her mouth biting her nail.

"Something is wrong?" He asked while rubbing her arm.

"Um I'm not sure, i'm not sure it's the right thing to be with you" she said then looked at him right in the eyes.

"We are just starting, plus don't make too big of deal of what Capp just said. Please, why worry?"

"Ah you're right! I'm sorry but you being a player will forever be a subject and I won't be able to escape that fact very often" she explained.

"It's okay, I understand! Now where were we?" He had both hands on her butt.

"I don't know you show me!" She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he lifted her up.

And they made love.
The months were slowly going by.

Five months had already went by, Stella and Kelly were still together. They were both mutually spending a good amount of time at each others places. The whole house knew by now about them.

"Let's go, we're going to be late at work!" Stella screamed to Get Kelly's attention. 

They were both at his place, she had a lot of her stuff there so it was easier for her when she was too lazy to go back to her apartment.

She was already heading for the door, when she felt Kelly hugging her from behind.

"Severide!" She was fed up, he was always doing that but yet she still loved it. "Baby, stop that and let's go"

He kissed her in the neck "and no we don't have time, no matter how well you know the drive to the firehouse" she laughed.

She turned around, gave him a quick kiss. And then dragged him by one hand for them to leave.

Fortunately they were on time for work, and right after they arrived Squad got called.
Once they got off of work, Severide decided to take Stella for a walk on the beach.

"But you didn't even let me change or anything" she was a little bit complaining.

"It's okay I just want to spend time with you!"

They arrived to the beach, the sun was slowly coming down. Severide loved sunsets but he didn't want to tell Stella, he opened up when needed but still this felt like something he wanted to keep for himself.

Weird but that was his thing. He just knew he wanted to share a sunset with her.

"Here let's go over there!" He said grabbing her hand gently.

She loved when he would just take her places. They both walked barefoot on the sand, Severide was holding both their pair of shoes.

They came across the rock that Kelly pointed out earlier. They both sat down on it, and so she put her head on his shoulders. He was happy she was in his life.

The sky was a mixed with blue, pink. It was a beautiful sunset, and Kelly was loving it. Stella took a look at him and said.

"You love sunsets don't you" she was amazed at his face and how bad he was enjoying this.

"Yes" he said so low she could barely hear him.

"Well I love that about you, thank you for sharing a sunset with me!" She brushed her fingers against his face and then kissed him.

He smiled.

She then grabbed his arm back and put back her head on his shoulder.
The sun was already down, and the sky darker. The night was slowly making itself more present, but yet they were still here.

"I'm cold Kelly!" She looked at him making a baby face.

He took his jacket off and put it on her shoulders. "Here let's go back home"

"You bringing me back to my apartment?" She asked.

"No you're coming with me! Which I think you should be from now on"

"What do you mean?" She was confused.

"Come live with me or we could find a place just for the both of us. But in the mean time stay with me"

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