Part 20

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She was scared, didn't know what was going on. And now Severide was scared too, then they both heard the ambulance coming.

The guy in the other car was still unconscious and it seemed like he had one too many drinks.

Some firefighters were called too. Stella door was jammed, and they had to get her out somehow. Kelly's door was easy to open.

"Hold we're going to get you out" said one the firefighters.

Meanwhile the paramedics put a c-collar on both Kelly and Stella. But Kelly refused to get one, he was mad to him they weren't acting fast enough. And he didn't want anything to happen to Stella.

"Listen I don't need all this" he got of the car "get her out from my side, I'm fine. It's just my shoulder but I don't know she said something about bleeding" he explained to them.

The paramedics quickly got Stella out on the backboard. And they took her in the ambo, Severide got in too. It was at least a 15 minutes drive to MED.

Stella was conscious, and still in pain. Then the paramedic riding in the back thought of something.

"Because of the impact I think you are hemorrhaging, so I'm going to give you this. To stop the bleeding and hopefully get your pressure"

They arrived to the hospital quicker than expected. And when Maggie saw Severide cut on his forehead, she immediately took him by his arm and said.

"Let one of the nurses do something for this cut"

But Kelly made a face as soon as Maggie touched his arm "are you hurt?" She asked.

"It's just my shoulder, I need to be with Stella" he said looking at the paramedics taking her to the treatment room.

"And you will, let someone have a look t your shoulder and cut on your forehead first"

Maggie was convincing so he let Dr.Choi take a look at him.

Meanwhile Dr.Manning was taking care of Stella.

"The patient is stable, her pressure was low on the way to the hospital. I gave her something for her bleeding to stop"

"Bleeding?" Dr. Manning asked.

"Yes, she was hemorrhaging due to the impact. But there's only one reason for her bleeding like that, so I hope I did everything I could!" The paramedics then left.

Natalie put on gloves, she checked Stella. She was still bleeding but not as much.

"Hey Stella how are you feeling right now?"

"Better than before" she affirmed.

"Well your bleeding has not entirely stopped but I can see that your pressure is better now. We're going to keep a close eye on you, now I would like to do an ultrasound"

"Okay whatever you have to do"

Meanwhile Severide was done pretty quick. He had a splint for his arm, so that his shoulder could rest. Dr. Choi also gave him so pain killers. He then went to see Stella.

"Hey babe! Is it if I stay in the room Dr.Manning?" He asked nicely.

She told him it was okay for him to stay in the room. She then started the ultrasound, Dr. Manning knew what she was looking for.

"Here it is!" she said.

"Here is what?" Severide asked confused.

"Your baby" Natalie said then smiled at the both of them.

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