Part 30

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Stella watched Kelly leave but didn't say a thing. If he needed that walk then she wasn't going to hold him back.

She then fell asleep.
The next morning, even if Stella wanted to sleep in it was impossible for her too. All Herrmann's kids were a handful and just to get ready for school it was total chaos.

She took Olivia who was already up and went to the kitchen. Shocked to see what a mess they had made, they were running around and screaming.

"Wow" she said but was barely even heard.

She moved next to Cindy who was putting lunch in everybody's bag, and so she asked.

"Have you seen Kelly?" She was a little worried since she woke up and didn't see him.

"No we haven't Kelly since we woke up!" She affirmed.

So it got Stella thinking, she had to find him. But first she had to take care of Olivia, she made some breakfast for her  and none of them liked all the noise. But in no time, Cindy and Herrmann took everyone to school.

They were now alone in their home, Stella organized a little bit and then took her phone and tried to call Kelly. But it went straight to voicemail.

After their breakfast and a good shower, she and Olivia were ready. She didn't know where to look for him but she was about to anyways. Then she thought about calling Casey.

"Hey Matt! Do you know where Kelly is or have you seen him? Did he call you?" But then the beach came to her mind and she knew that's where he was "never mind, i think i know where he is. Thanks!" And she hung up.

She took her keys and headed out with her daughter, the beach was not that far away from their house. After a good 15 minutes on walking, and letting Olivia play with the sand they found Severide.

Clearly he had been there since he left last night.

"Kelly!" She screamed because she was mad he left that long.

But he looked at her without even saying a thing. Which would make her even more mad.

"You hear me, why didn't you call? I know you needed some time but still you could have let me know" she made sure to tell him.

"I needed time" he said still looking at the sea.

So she sat next to him and sat Olivia down in the sand, since she loved to play with it so much.

"Why didn't you come back to sleep?" She asked in a worried way.

"I don't know Stella, I was mad! And i still am"

"Still we are married, you are not going to go back to this you that can't say a thing about how he feels" whenever he was acting like this, she couldn't stand it.

"And what was I about to say supposedly last night" he said, his voice firm with one eyebrow raised.

That was his face when he was mad yet didn't find a need to scream.

"How you felt maybe! That could be a start, we came too far for you to act like a child" she said a little angry "you are not Olivia"

"Oh come on Stella! Can i just be mad, not wanting to cause a scene! I felt a different way and didn't want to say things I would maybe regret" he explained.

She calmed down a little and then said "but why would you be mad, I just told you I didn't want another kid" she then added.

"And thats the thing we have two complete different views of what we want, and I don't know..." he said but didn't add more to it.

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