Part 2: Firehouse 51

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Part 2

She passed.

All her efforts had payed off. She was so happy, all she wanted to do was celebrate. Stella didn't have that many friends, or family. And it was at happy times like this she wished, she had her mom or dad to make them proud.

But yet she found her happy place, she was officially going to start as a firefighter candidate.

So she went and celebrated all by herself. 

Menawhile Severide was also out, alongside Gabby and Matt. In one of their favorite bar.

"I know you see how this girl has been looking at you for the last hour" said Matt, he knew Kelly was a man of many women.

"Oh you think!" He said jokingly "maybe i'll go introduce myself" he said beer in hand ready to head in her direction.

"Introducing yourself doesn't mean sleeping with her Kelly!" Gabby warned him.

But he barely got the time to hear his name that he was already next to that lady.

It happened that by coincidence both Stella and Kelly were in the same bar. She had already peeped that guy, the lieutenant who saved her life. She was staring at him, his flirty ways, his smile, he was definitely going home with that girl. And she thought "player".

She avoided any eye contact, she saw him wave at two people. Why was she watching his every move? Probably because she had nothing else better to do, alone and in a bar she tried to convince herself.
The next morning, Kelly was called into Chief Boden's office.

"You needed me Chief" he closed the door behind him.

"I thought i'd ask you since you've been at the firefighter academy. You have pretty much seen everybody in action. They are asking me to choose a candidate for Truck 81! So you tell me who do you think will be a perfect fit for our firehouse?" He had both his hands on his hips as usual, looking for an answer from Kelly.

Kelly took a look at the list, he knew she was the only girl at the academy.


So her name was Stella. He smiled internally, why? He didn't really know.
"Her" he said to the chief "Stella Kidd! I can assure you she's great, she would definitely fit here. Plus we need a female firefighter around her"

"Good,i'll make sure to let them know Stella Kidd will be joining us at 51. I trust your judgement Severide" he said pointing at him.

"I'm totally sure of what i'm saying, you won't be disappointed" he smiled and left, he couldn't believe he managed to have her in the same house as him.

Stella was starting in 2 days, everything was ready. She was ready, she was about to discover a little bit more about Firehouse 51.

"Good Morning!" Stella said coming in the room. "Can any of you point me in the direction of Chief Boden's office please?" She asked happy to see all those new faces.

"Right this way" said Cruz leading the way.

And so she knocked on the door, three more faces in the office. But she knew one of them.

"Chief Boden?" She asked politely "Stella Kidd, I'm the new candidate!" 

"Come in, and close the door!"

She was ready to learn a little more so she waited for more instruction and informations from Chief Boden.

"First of all welcome to 51! This is lieutenant Matt Casey in charge of Truck 81" he pointed "and this is lieutenant Severide in charge of Squad" he then proceeded "You will be under Lieutenant Casey's command, report to him for anything."

He kept explaining to her how the firehouse worked, she was delighted. Then Casey took her to the locker room, showed her her locker.

"Here you can put all your stuff, welcome Kidd!" He smiled.

"Thank you Lieutenant" she started taking her things out, then she wrote her name and put it on her locker. She was definitely happy, she changed and was heading to the common room.

But she saw his face peeking.

"How are you liking it so far?" he wanted to start a conversation.

"So far i'm loving this firehouse, everybody is really nice" she smiled "if you excuse me now I'll go learn a little bit more about the firehouse and how things are done here" she looked at him one more time and left.

She didn't really want to engage in a conversation with him. Was it because of what she saw at the bar, or how weirdly he approached her at the firefighter academy. No clue, for now she was about to be formally introduced to everybody.

"May we have your attention please" said the Chief followed then by Casey "this is Kidd! The new candidate on Truck, so make sure to make her feel at home"

She smiled "I'm looking forward to working with everybody" she said nicely.

"Since it looks like no one here is going to introduce themselves, i'll start" Herrmann got up, he always had stuff to say. "I'm Herrmann, that's Otis over there, then here you have Cruz, oh here this is Mouch, then Capp, and Tony. And our paramedics Brett an..." but Dawson didn't let him finish.

"I'm Dawson! Gabby!" She smiled "Finally another woman, welcome to 51. You're going to love it, once you make abstraction of all those idiots"

Presentations were made, and Stella sat to start and chat with the people she would from now on see all day long.

Then a call came through.

"Truck 81! Ambulance 61! Building Fire"

"Well there's goes your first call, you stay glued to me. I give the orders, you follow and execute. Got it?" Said Matt in the way to the Truck.

"Got it Lieutenant!"

They arrived to the scene. It was the first time seeing a real building going up in flames. It was impressive.

"Kidd and Otis with me, we're going to initiate a primary search on the third floor" Casey gave the order.

But she felt panic, her legs!

They didn't want to move.

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