Last part : Mr and Mrs Severide

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Severide was waiting patiently in the waiting room but he was nervous. And the only thing he was waiting for was to know if was going to be okay.

He just got her back so he sure couldn't loose her again.

After two hours waiting or so, Dr Rhodes came in to talk to him.

"So how is she?" He asked worried.

"Stella is stable, but we had to put in an induced coma. Her artery was damaged which we thankfully were able to repair but one of the stab wounds did damage to her lungs. And so for her to heal properly we had to put her in a coma."

"For how long?"

"It all depends how she heals, but let's hope she wakes up on her own"

He took a deep breath in and out and then said "okay thank you so much"

And he shook his hand.

He then sat back and called his mom before going to see Stella.

"Hi mom!" His voice was low and his mom knew something happened.

"What's wrong Kelly?"

"Um Renee" he was trying to hold it in and not cry.

"Kelly talk to me, you are scaring me"

"Renee stabbed Stella Ma, i just don't know what to do. How to feel right now, we were back like never before. I'm so mad at myself for letting that woman come back into my life"

"It's going to be okay, you're strong and so is Stella. Do you need anything from me?"

"Can you take care of Olivia for me"

"Of course, if you need anything else I'm just a phone call away okay?"

"Yes thanks mom"

He hung up and then went to Stella's room.

He sat on a chair, and took her hand in his. It was definitely ripping his heart out of his chest to see her with all this tubes in.

"Please come back to me" he said and then his eyes started watering.
Days were going by slowly from Kelly's point of view. He was missing Stella and now that he finally had her back, it felt like destiny decided to separate them again.

A week, two.

He just didn't want a whole month to go by.

He was now home with Olivia, she was slowly growing up. And the way she had curly hair made him think of Stella, that little girl was starting to look more and more like her mother and he loved it.

He couldn't wait to hear her talk because he was sure she would be sounding just like her mom too.

"Hey Kelly?" Jennifer asked getting him to stop playing with Olivia.


"What about Renee have they found her yet?"

"You know they haven't, and truly I am a little sacred. She's crazy so I'm hoping they'll find her"

"I hope so too, it could be really dangerous for every single one of you"

"I know, but right now my only concern is Stella. She hasn't woke up yet, and i'm starting to worry"

"She will eventually!" And she gave him a gentle pat in the back.
Everyday Severide would try to bring Olivia to be with her mommy a little.

The weeks were passing by but Stella still wasn't waking up.

He decided to see what he could do in the meantime concerning the custody and their marriage. They were divorced and that's a fact but with Olivia he only had temporary custody of her so he knew that could be resolved.

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