Part 24 : the baby

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The next morning, Stella woke up first and it still felt like a dream to her. She was married and expecting a baby girl.

But quickly all this dreamy phase and happiness became thoughts not necessarily good.

Was it the right thing to do? Is this marriage going to last? Will her baby's health be okay? It was only a fee of her thoughts, then it hit her a little harder. She didn't have family, no sister of brother. And parents, she was alone and even though the firehouse became her family she still felt like she was missing something.

She was deeply in her thoughts, playing with her rings when she felt arms around her.

"Good morning sexy wife and baby mama!" He smile and kissed her on her cheek.

But he noticed something was off. So he slowly got her attention and said.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked worried.

"I was just thinking about dumb stuff, don't worry!" She said with a supposed to be smile.

"No now you are going to tell me, what is bothering you?" He asked to get her to open up.

"I was just thinking about the fact that I have no family to give this baby, i mean no grand mother from my side. Nothing she will just feel as lost as me, and to top it off she might haves problems because of me and I don't want our marriage to last and.."

But Severide slowed her down and told her "don't think like that please! You are the most beautiful human ever, unfortunately you didn't get to know your parents but I think you will be a great mother. Look at the strong human you've become, and I know our daughter will be just as strong as you."

"You always have the words to calm me down!" She smiled and caressed his cheek.

"And as for us, the way I always felt about tells me how much you are the one!"

"I know you are the one too Kelly! I'm sorry, I think is just the hormones" she said while she started to look for a mug to make tea.

He smiled, he got to cheer her up a little. But he wasn't about to let her make that cup of tea. He had her sit down and made her her tea, then he started on some breakfast.

Later that day Severide decided to give a call to his mom. She was of course aware of everything happening in her sons life, so she was happy to hear him call.

"How's Stella and the baby?" She asked delightful.

"Good good, it's a girl Mom. But I was calling you to ask if maybe you could come over at our house. I feel like Stella needs a mother figure" he explained to her

"A baby girl, oh Kelly! You are going to do stupid things for this little girl" she laughed but then said "and of course, if she needs me I'm here"

"Thank you, plus I'm going back to work tomorrow. So it would be company for her, and I don't want her to spend her entire days in the kitchen

"Kelly you don't need to explain anything to me you know that, i'll be there tomorrow night at the least" she informed him.

They kept talking for a little while and then Kelly just spent the rest of the day watching movies with Stella.
The next day Severide went to work and later that day Jennifer was there.

"Hey Stella!" She said as Stella opened the front door.

"Oh Jennifer what... uh what are doing here?" She asked surprised "come in!"

She closed the door and they went and sat on the sofa.

"I'm so sorry, how rude of me asking what are you doing here. I'm happy to see you!" She smiled then offered her something to drink.

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