Part 13

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But he didn't answer, and just started kissing her all over. The fact that water was dripping all over her body made it even more fun for him.

The shower didn't take that long, he turned off the water so quickly and then grabbed Stella. In a quick second he had her laying down on the bed.

"You sure you want all this water on your bed?" She asked already biting her lips, just seeing him with all that water dripping down his chest.

"I'm sure I want you!" He was brushing his fingers up and down her thigh, and licking the water off of her body. "Damn you're sweet".

He loved kissing all over her chest, and now he was acting like he hadn't drink water in year. Weirdly the water, on both their bodies had them wanting more of each other.

He was coming in and out of her but yet she wanted more. She had her nails nailed in Kelly's lower back, her body language was begging Severide to go faster and harder. She needed more of him.

And so he did. They had their fingers interlaced, Severide was being rougher yet gentle. And he made sure to kiss her in the process.
In the morning Stella was awake way before Kelly. She went and made coffee, and sat at the kitchen table enjoying some peace and quiet when somebody knocked at the door.

She opened "Yes! You are?".

A woman was at the door but she didn't know who it was.

"Can i help you?" She asked still confused as to why she was there.

"Sorry I'm Elena! I met Severide last night and he told me I could come by today!" She smiled in a hypocrite way and Stella could feel something was off with her.

"Well it's a little weird first of all, do you work in something? Are you here to help him out with something?" She asked calmly

"We just met and thought we would know each other a little better, plus he was so nice to me yesterday night. He bought me a drink, such a gentleman!" She had that fake laugh on her face that Stella would have loved erasing but she maintain her composure.

"I'm sorry but he is sleeping right now! And since I'm not sure what you are saying is true, you'll understand that I can't let you in" she said in a sarcastic way.

And before she even let the girl say something back she closed the door on her. She had no way of knowing who was this girl, she just had to wait for Kelly to wake up.

This visit had just ruined her morning, but she trusted Severide. But yet she was still mad.

An hour or so later, he woke up and found her sitting on the sofa. So he sat next to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek but he could see she was deep in her thoughts.

"Something is wrong?" He asked worried.

"Some girl came looking for you"

"Some girl? Who? I wasn't expecting nobody!" He was surprised.

"She said her name was Elena, that you bought her a drink last night and all the blabla that comes with it" she said without looking at him.

"Oh!" That's the only thing he could get out.

"Oh? What does that mean Kelly?" She turned to face him.

"It means she approached me last night at the bar, but I didn't buy her a drink or anything. We barely talked and then she wanted to talk to me in the parking lot but I made it clear to her that I had my somebody already" he explained.

"Do you think she'll be a problem?"

"Probably! I mean how did she find me?" He was confused. "I guess we will have to have wait and see what happens"

After that their day went by pretty fast, Stella didn't want to worry herself too much but she could feel this girl and all the problems that comes with her wouldn't go away this easy. But was she about to talk non stop about it, no.

She knew how to keep her emotions somehow bottled up.

At night Stella decided she wanted to go buy some snacks so she got out. Perfect timing for Elena. Since last night she had been following Severide, she wanted him. And for her he didn't matter if he was with someone, she would take him no matter what.

She got in the building, and waited for him to open the door.

"Hey!" She smiled then proceeded to let herself in.

"You can't come in like you own my apartment! First of all how the hell did you find my place?" He was pissed "I don't remember talking to you that long for you to know where I live!"

"Oh come on Severide you know you want me just like I want you!" She had that slutty attitude.

"No mow leave, my girlfriend will be back any minute!" He said with the door opened so she could get out.

"Ahh this is such a beautiful place" she was walking slowly around like the apartment belonged to her.

Severide couldn't seem to get her out, and he knew Stella wouldn't take that much time at a store that was so close to the apartment.

"Get out!" His patience was running low.

But she kept walking around, and also started to undress herself. And by the time she was in her underwear, she got closer to Kelly and started touching him. She was also trying to kiss him.

"Why are you doing this?" He was pushing her away.

She was persistent. Stella was coming back, when she saw the girl. Severide was still holding the door open, and trying to get rid of the girl.

"Are you on drugs or something, leave!" He then turned his head and saw Stella "Stella!"

She couldn't believe that girl was back, and that desperate to get naked like that in front of someone she didn't even know.

"If you wanted she would have been out already Kelly! I think i'll just let you deal with all that cause I can't"

She then left, without taking any of her keys or nothing. Not even her car.

After a good time Severide finally got rid of Elena. Now he had to find Stella, he knew he was before her man of many ladies. But he felt like he was changing and he knew Stella still had a hard time with him loving women that much. But all he hoped is that she knew she was the only one that mattered to him. Yet he understood perfectly her feeling some type of way with that freak.

So he called Gabby to see if Stella was with her.

"Hi Gabby, is Stella with you?" He was worried.

"No why did you loose her or something?" She asked jokingly.

"Okay thanks, and do you know if she's with Brett?"

"No Brett is right here with me so"

He didn't say anything and he hung up. He was wondering where she was, it was late and cold. It didn't want anything bad happening to her.

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