Part 17

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So Severide decided to follow Kim, to give his version of what happened. He was done in no time and was able to go back to his house. He was tired, Antonio told him he would call him with any news on the girl.

But yet back at his apartment the girls blood was still there. He had to clean it, and he then went straight to sleep. He was tired.
Days were passing by, yet still no improvement from the girl. Her brain was swollen, and yet she was not waking up.

Almost two weeks and half and still nothing. Stella was now back to work but still not back with Severide. She was still living at Brett's. But she knew something was up with Kelly.

"Everything is okay? I see you all in your thoughts!" She asked concerned.

"Yes just waiting for Antonio!"

"Antonio? What for?" She didn't know what was up.

But before Kelly could give her an answer, Antonio arrived to the firehouse.

"Hey Antonio, tell me!" They shook hands.

"Well the girl finally woke up, gave her side of the story. Of course she's not giving the same story as you did, she said that you tried to forced her to do things to you and so on. Is there someone who can agree or testify that this girl has been harassing you?" Antonio ended up asking.

"Of course Stella, and I guess if you need more the guys saw her the day at the bar. They know I didn't engage with her or anything!" He explained.

"Stella!" Antonio waved his hand for her to come.

She was trying to listen to their conversation from the squad table but when Antonio called her. It surprised her.


"If I tell you Elena does that ring a bell to you?"

"Yes of course" she was waiting for that question but she then said "she's the girl who was all over Kelly. She even got to his apartment, I guess maybe by following him because she didn't know where he lived. But yeah it's the girl that keep chasing him! Why the question?" She was looking at both Kelly and Antonio.

"Well I think it's best if Kelly tells you the whole story, but later on I need both of you guys at the district." He let them know.

Stella was still confused. But then she sat back at the table with Severide and he told her the story. And how in a snap of a finger the girl hit her head.

"Wow, but she's alive. That's a great thing, right?" She wasn't sure if it was the right thing to say.

"Sure but still got to have you testify, so all this problem can go away!" He took her hand "she's the one who got us in this position in the first place"

Stella didn't know what to say, she sure was missing Kelly. But first that girl was still a problem, one thing she would do is help Kelly in anyway she could.
But before they could keep their conversation going, a call came in.

"Truck 81! Squad 3! Ambulance 61! Building fire"

They all geared up and went to the scene.
Later on both Stella and Kelly went to the district, Kelly even asked Casey if be could also help in this case. Of course Casey was up for it, he was always there for Severide no matter what.

Severide also asked for a restraining order against that girl. That's the only thing he could do since that girl was not going to jail.

It was late and Stella was about to go back to Sylvie's house on foot. But Kelly wasn't about to let her.

"Hey Stella!" She stopped to look at him.

"You weren't going back to Sylvie's on foot, were you?" He asked but he knew that's what she was doing, so he grabbed her hand and said "let's go"

He opened his car door for her and she got in. He then drove her, and made sure to get her to the door.

"Now I'm sure you are in and safe" he smiled.

They both missed each other. Stella knew for now they would have some peace, the whole girl situation was all good. They had nothing else to worry about.

"Thank you" she said with her soft voice that Severide was in love with. Her saying thank you still had him in his feelings, it's like he could still hear her telling him thank you for saving her life.

"My pleasure, sleep tight" he turned around and started leaving but Stella grabbed his arm. And she hugged him.


"I know you need it!" She told him.

They hugged for a good five minute and then he left and went home.
Severide was ready for Stella to come back to him. And he decided to prepare something for her.

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