Part 14

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"No Brett is right here with me so"

He didn't say anything and he hung up. He was wondering where she was, it was late and cold. It didn't want anything bad happening to her.

So he kept looking for her. But still couldn't find her anywhere.

Meanwhile Stella had just been walking for hours, wondering still was she making a mistake trusting Kelly. She decided to move in with him, was it a mistake too she thought to herself.

But by the time she realized she had been walking without really paying attention of where she was going, she stopped. Not much light were bright in that street, and it was really cold.

She decided to turn around and go back to the house. But quickly she heard footsteps, someone was following her. She didn't know who was that person so she accelerated.

She took her phone out and decided to call Gabby.

"Hey Gabby, it's Stella could you please come get me"

"Yeah sure, where you at? Severide was looking for you" she asked then informed her.


But before she could say anything else to Gabby, that same person who was following her hit her in the head. Yet not enough to knock her out but enough to have her drop her phone, and be a little dizzy.

"What do you want?" She asked ready to defend.

But the guy following her wasn't about to answer anything, he hit her again meanwhile Gabby was wondering what was happening.

"Stella! Stella!" She was trying to see if she could get an answer from her.

The same guy then broke Stella's phone. He pushed her in the alley, with no lights. Stella was really scared, so she tried to run but the alley had no way out. It was a dead end.

"Please leave me alone!" She kept backing up.

But that guy was ready to make anything happen. He got to her and pushed her against the wall really hard. He managed to have her unable to move, but yet she was trying. She didn't wether he would rape her or just beat her but she wasn't going to let him without a fight.

She kept trying to get out of his grip, but he was way stronger. And he gave her a punch on the right side of her face, she fell on the ground. That punch had her unable to really move or understand what was going on.

"Please" she said low as she was trying to get up.

But he wasn't about to budge just by hearing her say please. He took out his knife, and proceeded to cut all her clothes. He started touching her inappropriately in her private parts and when Stella tried moving to get him off of her, he would punch her harder. Until she fell unconscious, he was pulling down his pants when a police was heard.

The siren.

He sure wasn't going to jail so he got out of the alley but unfortunately the officers were already there. He tried to escape swinging his knife at one of them but the other one shot him in the leg. And they then arrested him.

"I'm going to check the alley" said one of the officers.

He then found Stella unconscious on the floor, he couldn't tell if he had already raped her. But he called through his radio an ambulance.
Only once at the hospital Stella gained consciousness. The hospital light was really bright, and it was not helping the headache she had. Dr.Halstead then entered the room.

"Hi Stella! Do you remember anything?" He had to ask to see if she had any memory loss, the next step would be an MRI.

"Yes I do! Well I remember this guy following me, he punched me a good amount of time. I tried escaping him, and...but" she was trying to gather her thoughts "and I remember being unable to do much but yet I was still trying, he cut my clothes and he..." she took a pause "he touched me".

"Okay good, that's really good. You'll have to have an MRI to make sure those hit in your head didn't do any further damages. And we will have to perform a rape kit to make sure that"

But Stella didn't let him finish and said "a rape kit? The thing is I don't think he had the time to touch me with anything else other than his fingers" she affirmed.

Was she right, she remembered him touching her but yet she was unconscious after that. This freak would have had the time to do whatever to her. But yet she didn't have the feeling he did.

"Well yet we would like to do it anyways, just to be sure" Dr.Halstead said to her.

"Okay" she wanted to know too.

"Do you want us to call anyone? To let them know you are here" he asked before leaving the room.

"No it's not necessary thank you!" She smiled and went right back to her thoughts.

She knew deep down that man didn't raped her. But did she want Severide to know about all that? Of course not.

All her time in foster care, she had been touched without her consent. Grant even tried to do it to her, at this point she was wondering if she was doing anything wrong.

But yet all she could think about was Kelly. She was numb to all this type of pain. And she didn't want to put this on him, she hated whenever the attention was for too long on her. And if that meant hiding this from Kelly she would. Yet she found time to think about this girl, why was everything happening at the same time to her.

And she decided she needed time a part from Severide.
The rape kit confirmed her initial feeling, that disgusting man wasn't able to rape her. She felt relieved a little, so she asked to call someone. Not Gabby but Brett.

She knew with Matt and Gabby who both loved Kelly she wouldn't be able to hide for long. Yet Brett would be perfect, all the bruises on her face had to disappear before she could go back to work.

"Hello this is Brett" she heard a sweet little voice.

"Hi Brett, this is Stella. Could you come get me? I'm at MED"

"MED? Excuse me? Why, are you hurt?"

"I will explain everything to you when you get here, can you?" She asked again.

"Sure, i'll be there"

So she waited for her, she had her MRI done. Fortunately nothing bad happened to her. She signed her discharged papers and in no time Brett was there. She explained everything to her and Brett accepted to have her live with her for a little while.
The next morning Brett had to go work, so she left Stella alone. Stella called the chief to tell him she wouldn't be able to make it for the next fee shifts.

Severide ended up falling asleep in his car looking for Stella. But he had to go to work and he was worried, he still had no sign of her.

Stella woke up and used Brett's phone. She had to call Kelly and make up an excuse.

"Hello who's this?" He asked.

"Hey Kelly, it's Stella! I was calling.." but he then interrupted her.

"Oh my God, where are you? I'm so sorry for what happened, I had no control over that crazy girl" he said then proceeded to ask "tell me where you are so I can come get you".

"No sorry but I need time to process things! I'm sorry Kelly but it looked like you didn't want that girl to move. You could've easily pushed her out, but seemed to me like you wanted whatever she was there to offer you" she was making an excuse, and the girl was the perfect one not to tell him the real reason she was hiding from him.

"At least tell me where you are so I know!" He had a sad voice.

"First promise you won't come look for me! I really need time a part from you to know what I really want" she sounded convincing.

"I promise, I just want to know you are okay!"

"I'm at Brett's but please I beg you don't come looking for me. Let's both enjoy this time a part, okay? Bye" she quickly hung up she didn't want to hear what else he was about to say or else it would make her sad.

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