Part 25 : Olivia Leslie Severide

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Maggie took care of Stella instantly. And had Natalie called.

They put her in a room to check how dilated she was, and how was her blood pressure and her baby girl.

"How you feeling Stella?" Natalie walked in and asked as she checked the baby's heartbeat on the dopper transducer.

Stella took a deep breath in and said "i'm good actually" and she smiled.

"Well your blood pressure is good, we need to watch that closely! Baby's heartbeat is good too, now I'm going to check your cervix"

And so she did, but yet Stella wasn't dilated enough.

"You are approximately six centimeters dilated, we have to wait until you are fully dilated!"

"And that could take?" Stella asked.

"It really depends, for now all you can do is rest if you can. We'll watch you closely and if you need i'll be right there!" She smiled.

"Thank you! Oh Natalie?" Stella said her name which had her stop and turn back around to face her.


"I just need to know about Kelly, I need him by my side! Can you take me to see him?" She wasn't sure wether to ask or not but she did it anyways.

"Well I can go check on Kelly but as for you leaving this room, it's no!"

Stella was sad, and in pain of course. And she was a strong woman but Kelly, she needed Kelly. She didn't want him to miss his daughter's birth.

Yet another contraction was happening, she put her hand on her belly's side and started rubbing.

"Ugh just take your time baby girl, we have to wait for your dad!"

So then she tried resting, she decided not to get the epidural so she was in real pain. But she didn't care.

Her husband well being was invading her thoughts.

Meanwhile Natalie went to look for Will to know how Kelly was doing. And when she finally found him after two hours or so she asked right away.

"So how's Kelly?"

"He is awake now, and fine really. We did all the tests, there's no water remaining in his lungs. He is breathing well" Will informed her.

Natalie quickly went to check on Severide after that. And tell him that Stella was in labor, when she entered his room she found him walking around.

"Hey Kelly!"

"Hey, do you know where's my wife is?"

"She is still here, she came with you in the ambulance"

"Great, can I have my clothes please! I just want to leave this hospital" he said to Natalie in hurry.

"Well we dried your clothes so I will have a nurse bring them to you" she quickly looked out the room and asked for Kelly's clothes. "And another important thing!"

"Yes what is it?"

"Stella isn't actually waiting here, she's actually hospitalized. She's in labor, when she brought you in her water actually! Now we are monitoring her closely"

Her nurse then came and gave Kelly his clothes. He dressed up so quickly and the followed Natalie.

They went in Stella's room, she was laying on her side since that's how she felt comfortable.

"Hi baby!" He said coming near her and grabbing her hand.

"Oh my god you are here" she sat up and hugged him "I was worried about you, here sit next to me"

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